Finding the right college is all about visiting very different types of schools (such as city schools versus rural schools, big schools versus small or medium ones) to find out what type of school you like. After you figure out what time of school you like, you can narrow down the field to find the perfect one. Once you choose the college you want to attend, the best thing to do is to try to join a lot of activities, as freshman many schools have many orientations for different clubs geared towards freshman, making it very easy to get involved and to make friends with people who have similar interests as you do.
To find the right college, make a list of schools strong in your intended area of study and then visit them. This is exactly what I did and ten minutes into my tour of Bucknell's campus and felt the atmosphere I said to myself, "This is it. This is where I want to live." I never doubted that sense since. For everyone it will be a different combination of characterisitics that will click. For me, it was the sense of solidarity in the brick buildings, the peaceful beauty of the campus lawns and trees, and the courtesy of the students. It is very important to remember that college isn't just where you will go to school, it's where you will live and I personally feel that you should be able to call it a home that you will feel connected to. And don't be afraid the first few days, be excited! You get to start over; it's the perfect chance to fix all your high school problems. I was surprised how easy it was to make friends. Show a little enthusiasm and the energy will make you a magnet.
The best advice I can give is this: visit the campus, and you'll know if you feel at home there. That's what I did, and I'm very happy. There are a lot of things about my school that aren't perfect, but I know it's the right place for me. So I would say visit as many campuses as you can (a varied list is best - some urban, some rural, some far away, some close...) and just get a feel for what seems right. Then parents need to back off and trust their kids. :)
Visit at least 5 schools including safety schools and reach schools. When you find the school right for you it's easy to tell. You'll feel comfortable with the size of the school, look of the campus, and the surrounding area. Also, pick a school that is renowned for what you wish to study in whether it be the arts, life sciences, engineering, or business. When you find the right school, it's suggested to apply early decision because this can greatly increase your chances of being accepted. To make the most of your college experience be open minded to other people when you arrive. Try to relate with and befirend all students living on your hall. Work hard and play hard! Keep up with your school work and see your professors during their office hours so you get to know them on a personal level. Trust me, being friendly with a professor can make the difference between a good and bad grade. If you have all your weekly school work finished, I suggest enjoying parties and other social events on the weekends. All in all, you only get four years at college so stay postitve!
You can find a niche for yourself at almost any college! Pick the one that feels best and most natural for you, but once you're committed to a school don't spend time worrying about which schools would have been better or what you would do differently if you could--just jump in and make new friends!
College is what you make of it. Figure out what you want, what is available, see if these two pieces match up. If so, don't be afraid to take chances and be challenges. Step out of your comfort zone. Make sure your time management allows you to have a healthy lifestyle.
Everyone says that these are the best four years of your life for good reason. Take your time during the selection process and find the school that you could see yourself at for the next four years.
My advice to both parents and students who are looking at colleges is not to get caught up in a school's reputation or the hype about what other people think is an acceptable school to attend. There is so much pressure to get in to the best school possible but that is not always the right fit. The demands on high school students today is unbelievable, but i believe that there is a perfect school (or sometimes a perfect 3 or 4 schools) where you (or your son or daughter) will be happy. College is about finding yourself and starting down the path that you will travel for the rest of your adult life, that is why it is so important to find where you belong. Visiting schools for tours and info sessions is a must. When you walk onto a campus and look around at the students and feel comfortable, that is when you know you are in the right place. Then you have to do whatever it takes to get yourself there. Reputations and word of mouth information can be deciveing, but as long as you make the decision for yourself, you can't go wrong.
Unfortunately the only way of learning is by doing. Even when it comes to choosing the perfect school. No matter how many colleges or universities you may visit before choosing, you'll never truly know what school is right for you until you are there. I would reccommend visiting and researching as many schools as possible. Keep a list of qualities you find important. Don't choose a school simply because your best friend is going there. Even if that is what you want now, college will make you grow, change and discover things you never knew about yourself. There is not one perfect fit out there. However, when you do choose a school, approach it with no hesitation. Take full advantage of your surroundings and give it time. One semester is not long enough to judge whether or not this is the right school for you. If you give it time and put enthusiasm and energy into your first year, you'll find friends, activities, and a place that will foster your academics, creativity, and personal growth.
It?s all about fit. Where do you feel you belong? Where do you see yourself having the most quality opportunities to succeed? In finding the right college, you need to make a list for yourself with regard to what you would want out of a college experience. So, you could put on your list a certain major you are interested in or just that you might want a large variety of majors to be offered by your school incase you want options. That?s just one example. Colleges offer so many opportunities for students to make the most of their experience. The thing is, is that the college you decide is right for you, needs to be able to provide exactly what you are looking for. Making the most out of your college experience has to do with making an educated, well-informed decision on what school would be the right fit for you. You can more easily make a well-informed decision by first, making that list of personal interests and priorities, then researching schools that correspond with that list, and finally experiencing the campus first-hand by visiting. This will give you the greatest opportunity for success.