My College experience has been much like a tide pool. When I left Highschool I did not have an idea, clue, or even a direction to go in. There were things that excited me and subjects that bored the youth out of me. I attended Florida Community College of Jacksonville to work towards an Associates Degree while I found that direction. I can honestly say the first two years I attended Florida Communtiy College I did not grow much as a person. I left school to persue the dream of becoming a professional musician and think about what I should do. I came back to school a year later and while I now had a direction I was more involved in school than ever. I have since become a music major working towards a degree in which I can teach music. Before I was just a kid going to class to get it a degree, now the tide has gone out. I feel free in a world of an ocean to explore my possiblities. My experience have more than broadened my communication skills; worth its weight in gold. Without that I would skill its a big world out there.
Well I have recieved a sense of self and what I am worth in this life. I want nothing more than for my mother to have someone to be proud of. and i would like to be proud of me too! i want to provide an important servicein the medical field as an ultrasound and sonograph tech. I have been a top of the line certifed bartender for 8 years, and performing the trade for ten years. My mother is a phlebotomist at Charleston, South Carolina's Roper St. Francis hospital for almost 11 years and she has taught me alot. i need and want stability in my work, schedule, and pay for the rest of my life. That is why this is so valuable to me.
During my freshman year at Johnson and Wales University, I applied and was accepted for RA training, a program that emphasized counseling and aiding students. This training and my subsequent experiences as a mentor awakened an interest in psychology. I then made a decision to come home and spend a year at our local Community College. I am now completing my sophomore year, taking the most challenging courses I have encountered in my education. I have maintained exemplary grades; I can measure my success as a student by my acceptance into Phi Theta Kappa. I am particularly excited about taking classes in different disciplines that will broaden my knowledge. The prospect of undertaking research conducted by esteemed professors frankly thrills me. My goals are ambitious and lofty: I hope to successfully complete undergraduate school with an eye towards a doctorate in clinical psychology. I also hope to work with returning and recovering war veterans. The decisions that I made to transfer, to attend community college, and to complete the subsequent steps toward achieving this goal have matured me. I have learned not to go blindly forward, and I also learned that sometimes changing one?s mind is for the best.
The classes at this school were very interesting, especially the literature classes. I took a few literature classes while I attended and realized out of everything I took I found them to be the most enjoyable. This helped me understand that I should switch my major to an english one and that the career I would probably most enjoy would be in teaching. So even though I didn't enjoy this school all that much it atleast helped me figure out where I wanted to go in life.
Yes, I would fully be prepared for the road a head. I would certainly have had the confidence to attend college after high school instead of waiting so many years. I would have opted to attend school in another state, and fully enjoy the college experience.
Justen, you are about to make one of the biggest transitions in your life. The decisions you make will affect your entire life. Do not be afraid to ask questions, as it is your responsibility to ensure that you are being guided correctly towards your goals. Be confident in yourself and follow your dreams. Know that anything is possible with dedication and hard work. Do not allow yourself to get discouraged, as the road ahead will be a long one. You will encounter obstacles along the way, embrace them as a new experience and learn from them. Ask for help if you find you need it, there is no shame in asking. You are your best advocate.
If I could go back in time and visit my self as a senior in high school, I would wear very large steel toe boots to give myself a swift kick in the rear! Until recently I never took school seriously. Yes, I was more than capable, but just didn't apply myself. After high school, I attepted college, but was defintely not ready for the responsibility that accompanied. I instead joined the U.S. Coast Guard and spent 4 miraculous years on Oahu, HI. Since my separation, I worked very hard in multiple fields, non which made me happy. I started a family and have three terrific children. Frustrated, and wanting more for my family, I decided to go back to school. I am now very dedicated to obtaining a degree and learning. I only wish I had done so when thats all I had to worry about. My list of responsiblities is far more now than when I lived with my parents and only had to go to school. I appreciate more now . If I could go back in time I would tell my story and hopefully I would listen, but still wear the boots just in case.
I was tell myself to be prepared to not have everything spoonfed to you. In college, there are things you just have do to by yourself. My high school did not prepare me for the way professors teach and lecture in college. I also would tell myself to save a lot more money for books and classes.
Don't panic! It''s not as hard as you think it's going to be. Getting your foot in the door and getting into college I repeat, is a relatively simple deal. You'll make new friends, and you'll keep the old ones that really count so don't be so afraid of something that's going to turn out so good.
I know that you love it where you are now and you'll miss how you live now... but don't be afraid to try new things. You're young and won't get these opportunities forever, so be young while you can.
You'll really enjoy yourself.
I wouldn't be able to go back and talk to myself as a high school senior because I never allowed myself to get that far. I quit before I was ahead. If I could go back and talk to me, I'd tell me that it's worth it. All the fear, all the time spent, is worth it in the end. What you're doing is important. What your doing will change your life. You are going to struggle, you are going to stay up till you can see anymore, but in the end it will pay off.