I would tell myself to start saving up money then because it is hard to go to class and work at the same time, while maintaining a good grade.
Taking a chance to go back in high school and take all the opportunities couselors and teachers would give me, I would tell myself to take a complete different route than the one I decided to take. GearUp, a program for high school students, would offer many scholarships, tours to different universities all around Texas, and Thea tests at no charge. Many students don't realize all the options they are given until it's to late and once out of high school your out on your own with no direction. College is not like high school, where teachers are linient with homework and test, it's not a joke, and you have to take it serious just like you have been told a million times. It makes you a wiser person than the one you are right now and parties won't take you anywhere only to misery.
If I had the oppurtunity to go back and talk to myself as a senior I would remind myself to take my time. You should not be rushed into a decesion. It is important to look at all aspects of a school. I would advise myself to go on more campus visits. Get to know the feel for a school before accepting or rejecting it. The most important advise I would give would be to look for more scholarships, there is money out there and if you look hard you can find it. I made the mistake of just settling for loans instead of really trying to get that extra help and now as I enter my senior year next year I am still looking for new oppurtunities. Overall I would tell myself to be confident in my choices, remember there is no rush and only you can make this decesion, no one else.
I would tell myself that life is not always what you expect, and that the really bad times never stay too long. I would tell myself that I needed to make the mistakes I have already made to be the person I am today. I cannot go back in time and short cut, because all of those little things shaped the person writing this now.
I would tell myself a few quick things: Assigned roommates are a mixed bag, Never live with your best friend, and go to class even if your really don't want to.
But I would not tell myself that I should start at the small school. I wouldn't have realized I wanted to teach if I had done that, and I would not have met the friends that I have now.
I would not tell myself that I should go into teaching, because that person wasn't ready for that yet. Instead I would just say that things will look desperate, but it will get better. Otherwise I wouldn't be filling this out now.
Do what makes you happy. Go to where you will be happy.
I would tell myself to be careful. To take it slow and really enjoy the whole process of transition from high school to college. There's a lot that goes on in that transition; a lot of growth and maturement that happens, but only if you let it. I think it's one of the most beautiful times in someone's life. I would also say be careful. Be careful to surround yourself with quality people, people who will help you succeed and push you to become better. That's key because if you do that, college becomes so much more amazing in every way possible. You want to set yourself up to live an awesome life after college. It all begins with the decisions you make in college. The most important thing is God. He will be there throughout everything. Trust him. Confide in him. Don't run from him, because he'll be there when you need it most. Life and fulfillment and joy and peace and love can all be found in college- not just found, but lived. It just takes an open heart, humble mind, and willing heart. Cherish it with your whole heart.
Do whatever you want. It doesn't matter what you want to do, just do it. And at this point in your life, you don't need to know your future. RELAX
I would tell myself to take in as much of high school as I could especially in my senior year and to not just slip by with doing my work. Everything you do in high school prepares you for your next stage in life and like baking, if you miss a step, things could get ugly. Also, I would say to take all of the availiable college credit classes that I could because I could be so much further than I am. It shortens the time you are in college along with recieving the equivalent high school credit. Killing two birds with one stone!
When picking the right collge for the most college experience, the student must like the college that they will be attending because otherwise the student will not try hard in the academics. The student should have and idea of the education they will be receiving for the money they are paying out. The college experience is about going to school and making new friends along with getting a good education from the school. To me that's the college experience because I am not a party person. Some believe the college experience is about making new friends and partying the nights away, however it is about remembering the night before and knowing what you did during college.
Students, before you apply to any colleges or universities make sure that you know what you want and don't want, in where you will spend your college life. Don't spend your time applying and looking at colleges you don't want to attend. Spend your time looking at schools that interest you, the student, and that you can see yourself at. If you are in a sport consider looking into schools where you will be a starting player rather than a bench warmer playing varsity. Before falling in love a with a school make sure that it has your major because if it doesn't than it makes it hard to go to that school. Don't go to a school because of other people you know or because your significant other is going there. Makes breaking up akward. Parents don't force your student one way or the other but instead support your child in their decision. Your influence should play a part but you already had your chance to experience college. Now it is their turn. Students think for yourself and what is most important for you. Find a school you can see yourself successful at.