Hindsight is a funny thing. When looking back on some of my ill-advised educational choices, I sometimes fancy myself as the keynote speaker at my high school graduation. The auditorium is bubbling with the inexperience of youth. I impart these young scholars with tidbits of my wisdom about the college transition. In my mind the speech often reads in this fashion:
Graduates, your transition to college will also be a transition to adulthood. Think of the next four years as a lifelong learning excursion; surround yourself with diversity, and you will be rich with experience. The classroom is a place where friendships are forged and opinions about the world will be formed. You will be faced with many challenges, most of all the temptation to procrastinate. Heed my warning; you will save yourself grief by doing your homework in a timely fashion. Use your electives to take some courses that interest you. I personally enjoyed ballroom dancing. And, like the flame of the burnt out candle, your brilliance will fade if you burn the candle at both ends. Take time to ask questions and pace yourself in this journey. Finally have fun; acumen is as important as the diploma.
To the answer the question, I would tell myself a couple different things. The most important being to always set high standards for your self and to never give up on my goal of being a nurse or any goals for that matter. Secondly, I would tell myself to stay well organized; when it comes to assignments due dates , preparing for test, and even personal day to day things that need to be done. Also, I would tell myself to learn how to manage time and money well. Lastly, I would say to myself, ?life as a college will be stressful at times. weather its because of that hard assignment question or those dreadful final weeks, but never forget why your attending college in the first place.?
Going back I would tell myself that college is going to be an amazing experience. The first few weeks away from family will be tough but making new friends will help and then you'll never want to go back home. If you thought high school finals were hard think again. Be prepared to study for weeks on just one final or even just a test. Do not put off studying because even if you could do that in high school you won't be able to in college. Make lots of friends, get to know your teachers and go to every school event that you can. Parties, drinking and drugs don't help you get anywhere and with out them you can still have an awesome time. Discover who you really are and don't let anyone bring you down. College will teach you the good and the bad sides of life but if you keep going it will get better.
I would tell myself to not be afraid and that is is okay to be myself. This is a time where you get to know yourselft and your true talents and wishes. Don't let others hold you back. You can achieve anything that you can set your mind too and it is okay to talk to teachers and to get to know them. If you get to know your teachers, they will get to know you and make the class a lot better to be in.
I would tell myself to go against all odds and to never doubt myself. I would tell myself I can do anything I set my mind to despite some of the harsh words from some of my family. That even in the face of my illness I could make it. I finally have realized all of those things and I will instill those thoughts into my daughter to the best of my ability. I will always support and encourage her. I will make it, no matter what. I wish I knew that then.
I would tell myself that even though living at home for another couple of years while attending college didn't sound like a lot of fun when the opportunity for independence was calling , that it would have been the best choice. Having opted for the independence, I waited for twenty years until my children were grown to pursue my education, while trying to pay a mortgage, utilities as well as tuition, and on one income (the highschool sweetheart moved on) and I missed out on twenty years of marketable skills and financial stability, all because I didn't have the patience for the task when the support was readily available. I am still determined to reach my goal at this point, but sure could have saved myself a lot of heartache and headaches by seizing the opportunity back when it was all but handed to me on a silver platter!
I would have told myself that the more you pay attention and try your very best the better you will do in college. Everything in life you have to work at including college so don't expect people to give you a masters degree. Help yourself and don't look down on people because you don't agree with their school outlooks.
Try your very best and you will get through anything you want. Don't give up just because things get hard or are not going your way. People have to live life that includes you.