I would tell parents and students to first think about what they want our of the college experience and then look at the colleges that fit the description. When they have selected a certain number of schools, they should go to those schools and see which schools feel the best and after they have done that, they should submit applications. My biggest advice that I would give is that each college or university has their own pros and cons and a person needs to weigh each of those against what they want to get out of their own college experience.
Some advice that I would give students and parents about picking the right college is to know what you like. If you want to know a lot of people at college and feel like people know you, go to a smaller college. If you just want to blend in and be like everyone else, then go to a bigger school. Something else you should think about is the distance. If your a family orientened person then go to a college where its not too bad to come home once in awhile, do some laundry and hang out. But if you don't mind seeing your family like just at hoildays then try a school further away. A third piece of advice would be about your major. If you know what you want to do before you then select a school that is rated high for that program. If your unsure then go to a school with lots of options available. Next is deciding on whether your religion plays an impact. For me I wanted to go to a school where I would be surround with other christians and also a place where I could learn more about God.
The advice I would offer to students about finding the right college and making the most of their experiences would be to expand their options and really apply to any college that interests them. I would want them to learn a lot about the college that they desire most by going to orientations or getting in contact with other students there. The best way to determine if it is the right place for them is to find out directly from other students and to observe the kinds of lifestyles around campus. I would tell them that the college they choose and the outside influences it contains will really affect (and may even shape) their own lifestyle and future. I would explain to them that in order to make the most of their college life is not about going to the most parties or getting "wasted" but that making the most of their experience in college involves gaining new values and insights and discovering who they are and who they want to be for the rest of their lives.
If I had to give advice to students about finding the right college, I would tell them to pick the college that best fits your career choice. I would say this because you will make friends wherever you are and will have a great time at college whichever one you choose. When you apply for a job, they will look at, not how many friends you had, but at what you did professionally. College is about your career and what college you choose to go to will affect your life one way or another.
I would also say to chose a school that will challenge you academically. If you go to a college that doesn't challenge you and force you to improve, then it is a waste of time. A challenging college will prepare you for the real life because life is just one challenge after the next and you should be best prepared to face it.
Those two pieces of advice I found are very valuable. College is about seizing every opportunity and it will affect you life in every way imaginable.