California Baptist University Top Questions

What kind of person should attend California Baptist University?


Everybody should. People who are fellow believers will love the atmosphere. People who are not strong followers in Christ should as well because you truly do grow spiriautally while attending this school. People who do not know God should as well because there is so many people more than willing to introduce th gospel to you


California Baptist University is for students who value excellence in their academic pursuit as well as a campus environment where they are treated like a person and not just a student ID number


Anyone interested in growing academically, spritually, and emotionally. This school has a friendly environment and provides all the tools students need in order to people successful in their chosen career/major. Students have many opportunites to get involved, become leaders, feel competent in courses, and develop a wonderful social life.


A person that enjoys working hard but also thrives off of being involved in on campus activities. School work comes first but it is important to immerse one's self in the rich community available on campus.


A person who is school minded, and that has some kind of religous background. A person who wants to party this school isn't for them.They frown apond party. At this school you are there to learn and get your dregree. Any Peson who wants that, is welcome to this school, but you have to lots of displine to come here. I'm consantly busy with work , so you need to know how to time mange your work and get things done on time . Also a person who is just wanting to get school done.


Anyone should attend this school. Someone who is determined to learn, gain knowledge outside of the books, and have a goal set for where they want to be.


someone who wants a small private college, who may have had trouble academically in a large public high school and needs a personal approach to academics but not a two year community college. A person attending this school should have a strong Christian faith, and a desire to live a clean, Christian based life. If you have any desire to drink, party or do drugs, even off campus you should seriously consider another school. Interest in community service and ministry is a plus.


Really, any kind of person would be accepted at this school but the person that should come, that would recieve the most from this type of education, is the one that truly wants to seek God's path for his/her life and wants to recieve a Christ centered education.




Our school is very diverse. we have students from all over the world. anyone can attend this university and i encourage any and everybody to apply.