California Baptist University Top Questions

What should every freshman at California Baptist University know before they start?


To little Jeana, At 17, you are younger than you feel an older than you seem. You have dreamed of university all your life and worked harder than anyone to have the perfect grades and perfect self to achieve that dream. And you will have that dream. You will go to a beautiful school and be adopted by the friends you've always wanted and educated by the teachers you hope to one day be. You will meet your best friend and you will have donuts every Christmas. You will meet your favorite nurse and have a cozy apartment. But right now, you're 17, being released from the hospital. You were refusing to eat. You were refusing to feel. You were alone. Little one, do not despair, your dreams still await you and no amount of self-hatred and neglect will keep you from them. You are so strong and so worthy of the work you've done for your education. It might not be as soon as you'd like, but you know that your best takes time. You deserve the best. Love, yourself.


I would advise myself to work harder in my academics and athletics. I would go back and tell myself to not let things like being in band embarrass me and to be proud to be my unique self. I would tell myself to try and get better grades. I would like to remind myself to always be proud of who I am. Also I would let myself know that it is extremely different transitioning from high school to college and advise myself to be a little more independent and take more initiative. I would also advise myself to create a savings fund because college is extremely expensive.


Ife, be strong and believe in what you want. Stand up for what you want. Don't give up to easily. Please, don't let your circumstances distract you emotionally and academically. Please focus on your studies, please. Trust me, no situation will be too hard for you to bare. You are stronger than what you believe. You are smarter than what people have made you believe. Trust me, you can trust God. At the end God is who will stand true to you. Finish college. You can do it.


If i could go back and give myself advise about what college i would tell myself to not get so emotionally involved. i spent so much time investing in the life of my high school friends that i didnt do as much studying as i could have. Also i would have told myself to get better grades because once you get to college it pretty much all rides on how you did in highschool.


It's good to have goals to keep you focused, but don't be so tunnel-visioned that you miss the doors opening right and left along the way! You may find a different path you had never thought of taking. Yes, that time you made a hasty decision to fly off and live in Mexico for six months just because you couldn't find a way to get to China might have felt like a mistake at the time, but you ultimately learned some incredible life lessons. Yes, you casually submitted an application to a private university, got accepted and decided to attend the spring semester six weeks later and now feel like you're in a tornado of emails and phone calls and financial aid and scholarship applications and auditions and interviews and it feels like you're making one of the craziest mistakes in your entire 21 years on this earth's worth it. Or it will be. Ride the wave! In a few years you'll look back and realize it wasn't all so hard as it seemed.


Ask more questions about the classes you need to take for pre-med. Don't talk to Rachel first semester- don't waste your time she ain't the one. Don't date Melissa, she ain't the one either. Study hard when you go to college, don't get a C- in calculus. PLEASE don't get a C- in calculus, it kills your GPA. Don't start smoking your summer before your sophomore year, I know life will get hard but just hang in there it gets better. Stay strong until you meet Michelle. MAKE sure you go to that wedding in October, you'll meet the most beautiful and amazing woman besides your mom. Be smarter with money, keep track of where your money is going! Apply to more scholorships. Your parents will tell you that they are finnally financially stable, but they aren't it's just a front so you don't worry. Just ask your older brother and sister about it, they'll tell you the truth. Study hard, a lot of sacrifices have been made for you to stand where you are. Don't ever give up your passion. Change the world.


If I could go back and talk to my high school senior self i would say to prepare myself for alot of new things that I was definitely was not used to. I would say to not be afraid of venturing out and trying new things because getting involved my first semester really made things alot easier and enjoyable for me. Also, I would say not to be so shy about talking to new people and to not be afraid to make new friends. The one time I overcame my shyness I ended making really good friends who I know will be my lifelong friends. I would also say to myself, do not procastinate on projects, homework, studying, ANYTHING. It can really pile up and can cause great, unwanted stress that I didn't need, so plan out your homework schedule, along with major tests and quizzes. Lastly, I would just say to enjoy it. My first semester went really fast but it was a time I'll never forget and I am glad that I had the opportunity to experience it.


One advice I would give to myself is to study hard and do the best in each class because college classes are hard and requires a lot of studying outside of the classrooms. Another advice I would give myself is to not worry about how scary college might be. Many high school seniors worry about college and are scared of the new transition happening in their lives. But I would tell myself to not worry because college might be scary the first day of school when you are trying to find your classrooms but the second day will not be scary at all. There are many friendly people that can become life-long friends, and college will be a place to help build and shape you into a successful person.


The advice that I would give myself is to make sure that I seek the help neccessary at a young age to be able to handle the transition to college life. It is very hard to be able to do it all by yourself and the reality is you do not have to. Prepare and ask for help every step of the way.


Dear Tricia, College is great and fun! But you have to make it that way. Don't worry too much about work and how you're going to pay expenses, worry about school. School is the most important thing that matters right now. Get involved with the events that go on in high school, and especially the ones that go on at the university. The connections with people that you will make at CBU will be awesome. So make as many as you can! Meet new people, get involved, and most importantly- study hard! Your GPA is the most important thing.