California Baptist University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The campus its self is beautiful, there is beauty found there easily. People are upbeat and friendly mostly. The class sizes are perfect.


I really like Wanda's, it's our own on campus coffee shop and everyone is aleays there.


The best thing about CBU is ther mission statement. They belive in preparing men and women to reach others for Christ in whatever field of lerning they choose.


The faculty and teachers are great. The teachers are so caring, and helpful both with regards to academic issues and personal issues.


The people are so friendly, and the close-knit environment


The relationships you build with the professors.


The best thing about my school, for me, is the small classes and caring professors. It is a religious campus that allows me not to get involved in extra-curricular activites that might harm my goals. It has been a wonderful experience and I have been many life-long friends. I would never exchange this experience for that of a large school where you are just a number and not a person.


THe community spirit. I can't walk fifteen feet without seeing someone I know and stopping and talking with them or at least a high five as a pass.


The people, CBU has done an awesome job of allowing students, faculty, and staff to create an awesome community.


Everyone here is so nice and really care about you. It is a smaller school so you get to have a lot of interaction with your professor's . The campus is pretty, safe, and has great food! The school has a global outlook and as a student you have a chance to travel around the world helping others. The school cares about your spirital development as well as your education.