California Lutheran University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about California Lutheran University?


I tell my friends that i love my school because you get one on one time with your professors. There are also many great resources the school provides us with from aid, jobs, and overall counseling.


One of the things I love most about my school is the location. The area is beautiful and the school is pretty centrally located. Its close to the city but far enough from the city so that you're still in a small quiet little city. And, being from the desert, all of the lush green trees are a nice change of scenery.


The ability to always have a class with less than 30 people in it. I have friends who have had lecture classes with almost 400 people. I can say I was never just a number in the class. I get that one on one treatment with my professors all the time.


When I tell my friends about Cal Lu, I always am bragging about the Gilbert Center, our new athletic facility on campus. It?s state of the art. Being the basketball player I am, I fell in love with it all?the huge training room, beautiful gym floor, and a weight room that looks better than most 24 Hour facilities. The coaches offices upstairs are incredible, and just walking into the center gets me excited just to go to practice every time! I am so blessed and thankful to be attending a school with this type of athletic fitness center.


When discussing the film program at Cal State Northridge I speak most often and with the most pride about the passion of its professors. These hard-working, dedicated men and women have instilled in me not just knowledge, but a drive to make films and the confidence that I can be successful in life after college.


There are a lot of great things I've discovered so far at Cal Lu. First, getting advice is easy; the people are so willing to help and easy to get in contact with. The campus is beautiful and it's close to where i live so i can commute easily.


* Small classs sizes (less than thirty students per class) *One-on-One Interactions with professors *Many school-sponsored tutors and study groups *Oppurtunities to participate to sports (Varsity, JV, and Intra-mural teams) *School-sponsored events weekly (Free events) *Hands-on oppurtunites from beginning of college career *State of the art science equipment *Nice, big, clean dorms *Located in one of the safest towns in the United States (as rated by the FBI) *Close to city, mountains, and beach *Small, pretty, clean campus


While many of my friends complaint how difficult it is for them to get a hold of their professors I love to talk about how mine are always available. My class size only consist of about 20 students, teachers are always available to help us with any problems we are having. I love to show off the fact that teachers are always available and willing to help they do not just see you as a number contributing to their class size, but they get to know you on a personal level and know you by your first and last name.


At California Lutheran University, the small campus allows for everyone to really get to know people and have great opportunites for wonderful friendships. Also the smallness of the school helps to keep class sizes down so I feel I get a lot more one on one attention. And one of the best things about CLU is our school spirit. Everyone that is here loves it and supports all the sports teams!


The accessability of professors, the attentiveness, the community feel to the school. The best part about CLU was that I was able to be involved in everything that I wanted to do, I was able to get the attention I needed from professors and I couldn't go anywhere without knowing people and stopping to say hello.