Make sure you visit the school, other than on specified weekends. Look into many different colleges and don't settle for just one. Trust your children, if there going to be going off to school, you cannot be calling them every second.
I believe that the best way to choose the right college is to ask yourself, "Is this a place where I can excel and develop into a positive influence in this world?" The academic and social reputation of the school is less important than most people think. When you get there, realize that you have complete control over your "college experience". Live in the moment and know your worth. Realize your potential but do not stress over your future. Work hard, search for truth, and you will be rewarded. Get involved if you want to, not because your resume wants to. Become eager to conquer challenges. Endure in affliction and proven character will result.
Find a college that has a major of your interest and make sure that the school has adequate advising programs. Also make sure the school is in a location and environment you are comfortable with. I think the next most important thing is to make sure that the campus has great opportunities for students to get involved with student government and student organizations, I am involved in both and it made school a whole lot more exciting. Last but not least, make sure the school has a good career placement center that helps students build relationships with potential employers while in school, and possibly land a job after graduation.
The most important thing to do while undergoing the college selection process is to keep the concept of college in perspective. For many people, college has become an end, rather than a means. People forget that the institution was established to aid students as much as possible in thier exploits after gradutation. This being said, it is not necessarily the school that harbors the strongest work-ethic or greatest moral convictions that will cultivate the people of highest character. The schools that produce these people will be the ones that provide the most meaningful experience and education (both inside and outside of the classroom) to the students attending. Thus, it is not necessarily wise to choose the most reputable school one is admitted to, but rather, one should choose the school which will bring them the most happiness and inspiration. If one is an industrious person of perdurable work-ethic, one is likely to succeed regardless of the title on one's diploma. So relax, and don't stress too much over your success in college, you'll have plenty of time to do that once you get here!
I think the best advice for the parents is to be flexible with their children and trust their decisions. Afterall, it is the student who will be there everyday working towards their goal. For the student, my advice is to figure out what area interests them most. Many students are not sure of what major to focus on. For these students I would say to focus on the quality of the school, look at the number of students who graduate, and what areas of study the school is best known for. This way the student can choose a school that will suit him or her once he/she does determine their goals. To make the most out of their college experience I would say it is best to make friends with other students. This way they can share the commonality of being a student. I think it is beneficial for the student to have an open mind to new people and their beliefs. I do not believe that a person just entering college should have any of their thoughts set in stone because they will be cheating themselves out of learning and perhaps believing in new, better ideals.
Visit the college and ask current students questions about it.
Find out what the surrounding community is like. Where the school is located and the fun things to do in the area as well as through the school. Consider if you will need a car for the school or program you choose. I recommend visiting the campus before deciding to attend. Also obtain prices of local housing and tuition. The sooner you get your application in, the better. When you apply for classes, get it done the day you are told to because classes fill up quick and you might not get the class you want if you wait. I recommend giving out your number in class to make study groups and friends. The best experience for me is making friends. They help you get through the bad and are there for the good times. Number one thing is GO TO CLASS. Its not that hard. You are paying for your education, apply yourself.
To find the right college the best way is to first decide what kind of area you want to live in (the city, by the beach, the weather hot or cold or both, etc) and then go visit campus'. Once you have picked your school make the most of it by deciding early on what you may be interested in for a major and take those classes to find out and get involved with not only the community but the school. Join a club, team or greek life. Get a part time job on or off campus, you'll meet amazing people through out your college experience. Most of all enjoy the 4 years you have because they go by way way too fast!
Students should always make sure that they visit every prospective college and get a feel for the campus and surrounding town. If possible, they should try to stay the night and spend some time at each college with actual students so they know what to expect from each university. Parents should just help students pick out the right college for them and try their hardest to let the student decide for themselves.
In order to make the most of their college experience, students should make sure that they meet as many people as possible; you can never have too many friends. Also, make at least one friend in each class so that way you have somebody to study with and you can hang out with them in your free time too!
Go to the college campuses and check out the facility, night life, students, faculty, nearby restraunts etc. before you choose. If you have a chance, try to attend an event/show in the city or on campus of choice before deciding. No matter how appealing the school and social scene may appear, make sure you also check out the various academic programs and schools of thought that are available. For instance, CSU Chico is well renowned for it's college of business and college of communications. If you think you have found your college of choice, apply for dorm living ASAP. It can be difficult during some semesters to ensure your spot if you want the dorming experience your freshman year. Most of all, have fun, because more than half of the experiences in college take place outside the class room.