Apply early so you would be have a better chance of getting into the school of your choice. Find a college that fits you. Visit the campus early and the surrounding town/city and see if you would be able to live there for four years. Attend Orientation and ask questions!
I feel that the thing that is most important in finding the correct college is that you feel comfortable with the community. A lot of how a school functions can be seen by what is in close proximity to campus. If the area around campus seems dominated with things for students then there is a strong campus community. Having a strong campus community is important for meeting new people and new friends.
Another thing that is important is to look at the ratio of freshmen to upperclassmen in the college. This will give you a good idea of how many students will drop out of the college. Make sure that if you have an area of interest that the college you choose caters to this. The amount of classes offered in your feild of study will end up dictating how much you learn, and how much diversity can be achieved in your feild.
Last but not least it is important to find some people at the school and talk to them about their experience with the school. If someone is not available then try to find some good reviews of the school by a credible source.
Don't worry about the label, don't feel like you have to spend thousands of dollars on a school that you don't love because it is prestigious. Find a school that you love and feel comfortable at. Take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. Leave your door open in the dorms and meet as many people as you can. Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.
Finding the right college is much more than academics: you have to find a community in which you will feel a part of and a connection to. Afterall, this is going to be your home for at least four years. It's important to take into consideration what the school spirit is like, what is high on their list (academics, social life, environment, volunteering, etc.), what recreational activities are available, and of course, how afforable the school is. Good luck!
Learn what the current students at the campus are like. Find a majority group you believe you could get along with. Don't think you can go to a party school and make a ton of straightedge friends, it won't happen.
Choose a college tht allows you to balance your academic life with your social life. Also choose a school that can be a home away from home and offers opertunites to ineract with other new students to build new realtionships. A school that offeres plenty of oppertunites to exercise your curiosity is an excellent choice. It is very important that your school of choice is diverse and works to inform students of other cultures in our world. When chosing a school, ask yourself this questions, "When I graduate, will my school have equipped me with enough skills to make my life successful?", "Did my school prepare me for the cultural differences that our world has?", and "Did my school help bring me to know some of the most important people in my life?"
Determining a college is very tough! Take a tour of all prospective colleges, ask questions of staff & students. Check out the dorms and the area around campus. If you like large classes, then a big campus is for you, but if you prefer smaller classes, then a smaller campus would probably be better. College students enjoy freedom, but be very careful. Partying is not what college is all about. The education, jobs, internship, and professional connections are VERY important and will help you tremendoulsy to get a job upon graduation. Just attending your classes may not get you a job post graduation. Get connected and involved on campus; it makes the college experience so much more fun! All in all, make wise choices, and always be there for your friends! Just remember one thing, college is not a place to meet your's the place to meet your bridesmaids!!
I would tell students to visit the college before they decide to go there. If you go the the school and you fit in and know the school is best for you, then go there. If you're not really to sure, then you might want to visit more schools. Make the best of your college experience because you only get one chance to do it this young. Make new friends and don't be scared to come out of your bubble. Everyone changes in college, just make sure it's for the best.
The most important part of finding the right college is finding the best place to further your education by deciding whether you want to be close to your family or to venture out into the world. It is a huge step choosing the right college, and you have to find one that will benefit you educationally for instance you want to find the best place for you to become a doctor, or a teacher, but education is education, and some places have different programs that might catch your eye. You have to branch out and meet people because you will meet so many diverse people throughout your education, be as involved as you can and enjoy every experience you make while attending college.
When I chose my university I had never visited the campus or community and I had no idea what the community was like. I had met some students that have the same major and interest that I had at a conference my senior year of high school. These students inspired me to want to join the community. My one piece of advice is to seek out the community and decide if it is right for you. If you can not be comfortable with the community you will not be comfortable with the school. If you are not able to be comfortable with the school you will not be able to get involved with activities and functions and you will not be able to get the most out of your college experience.