California State University-Dominguez Hills Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


How everyone interacts in their own little circle and the school was that small//.....


Participate in whatever functions the school has if you are able to. It will help you network, find people to help you with your school work and help you meet wonderful college ftriends.




I wish I had known that every course in the catalogue may not be offered.


That I should've saved more money before attending. For book expense and housing.


I wish I had known how dead this school would be during the day because most of the people work during the morning and come school school in the evening. Not mcuh to do. I didn't know that I wouldn't be able to get a couple of the classes I needed to take to graduate because a couple of classes are offered every other semester.


I would have love to know of all the things they offer for the students and have a little more information about all the departments. All the student life and activities they have. I feel like now that I'm here there's not to do, it feels more of a commuting school. That people just come here to go school and then go home.


i think the lay out of the school is very helpful and user friendly


I wish that I would have known for my major that this school doesn't particularly catering to afternoon and night classes in the field of biology. Dominguez offers one class and its right in the middle of the day making it hard to take classes when I work in the morning. I'm off work at 1:30, but there aren't many classes for upper division course that I need that are availiable for me to take when I get off like at other schools I would have found another one.