California State University-Fresno Top Questions

Describe the students at California State University-Fresno.


My classmates are a group of individuals that are studious and have placed an importance on their academic career and for the well-being of others around them.


Their are many kinds of classmates, but the most common that you will encounter is the procrastinator. Although some maybe jocks, other nerds, or the average joe like myself we all sufer from procrastination. The common mistake is that we think that we have more time to spare when we truly do not.


Fresno State students are, as a whole, more diverse and culturally accepting of the variances of their peers, and, as such, are more open and friendly towards new faces.


My college classmates consisted of eight amazing, motivated, hard-working, dedicated, and competitive girls who knew how to encourage each other, support each other, guide each other, and help each other through one of the biggest rollercoaster rides of our lives.


My classmates are very friendly, welcoming, and interactive; since Fresno State is a commuter school, the most typical place for students to meet friends is in the classroom, so my classmates take advantage of that.


They are the best bunch of determined and motivated people I know.


My classmates are a combination of people who have clear direction and ambition and people who are just trying to pass though with no motivation.


Generally, the students here have a good balance of fun/partying and studying. Surprisingly, people in my honors classes are more prone to procrastination than those in my general classes. Most people are accepting and do not seem judgmental.


My classmates are very diverse , coming from a variety of backgrounds, making everything we experience together much more interesting and exciting.


My classmates are great students that have worked hard throughout high school to become part of the student body at Fresno State and they also help me to have the perserverence I need to succeed in my college career.