California State University-Fresno Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


When school started I didn't really except too much out of it. I wasn't too school spirit, but it was the very opposite of what I have thought about the school. Fresno State happens to school lots of caring of the newbies too Fresno State and very school spirited. This is school is very diversed and the school also provide us with a class that helps to get involve with the school and it really help us be prepared for the next few years of college and also being involve with the school activities.


That I would also be attending it for my credential program


I wish I had taken the AP tests in order to be exempt from taking college english


The limitations of loan packages, and that I would still have to work while in school.


How unwilling the administration is to help a transfer student. It it unbelievable how non-response they are.


I wish I knew what I wanted to do with my life before I went to Fresno State, because going to a different school might've decreased or increased my time spent in college. I changed my major from music performance to nursing, and I did not know that the nursing program was going to be so difficult to get into.


My major and what I wanted to do in life.


That the career services center was close to the center of the campus.


I wish i had known that there would be more online classes than there are. There needs to be more online classes. Also, more schedules available for popular classes.


I wish I could have been warned about how little help there is explained to you rather than how much you have to seek out.