California State University-Fullerton Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about California State University-Fullerton?


I'm in the honors program and I have priority for the classes I want to enroll in. But, if you aren't in the honors program or aren't an athlete it is very difficult to get the classes you need and the system is confusing. Also, I feel as if there are too many students for such a small campus and the parking is ridiculous.




I would say the most frustrating thing about going to school is not have advice about what to do and what not to do. I feel that if I knew what route to take my life would not have ended up this way. It seems like I went through it blindly.


The most frustrasting thing about Fullerton is the parking. Its beyond crazy.


Everyone was attached to their phones. People did not communicate with strangers/random people any more.


Expensive parking permits


It would have to be the parking situation. CSUF is known as a commuter school, so sometimes you might have to wake up a little early to find a good parking spot!


The most frustrating thing about the school is that there are not many career oppurtunity support after you graduate.


The most frustrating thing about our campus is that it is very difficult for incoming transfer students to get in touch with with academic councilers who might be able to help them map out their futures. I feel that my university is understaffed and that by hiring more employees would better be able to help new students.

