California State University-Fullerton Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


The cost of the courses and parking permits and books all together.


I wish I would have known how much reading would be required of me. The homework load compared to high school is more however it is a different type of homework. Homework involves lots of writing essays and reading text books. Manage your time wisely and you should be fine. Also, CSUF goes by the semester system, which gives an extra long winter break and more time to learn and succeed in each class.


I wish I would have known that Cal State Fullerton has other buildings in other cities that are part of the school. I didn't know this information my first semester and I ended up going back and forth between two cities.


I wish I knew more about financial aid at my school.


I wish I had known how to manage my money in a more responsible manner now that I don't have my parents to watch and control every financial move. You need to know how to take care of money because money doesn't come to you and say "Here I am, take me I am free." I am learning now to hold to my money because I don't want to tell my future family and friends that I flunked college just because I didn't have enough money to continue my studies.


I wish i had known how fast i had to grow up after high school. You movew to a new city, a new school, a new environment, and you have to get the hang of all the motion going on around you that you cannot afford to not be focused. I wish I had known that I had to constatnly remind myself of my goal of getting a higher education when things got hard and to not let my emotions of missing my family back at home tear me down.The power of my future is in my hands.


Before attending college I wish I would have known how much everyone parties and how easy it is for them to suck you in on the weekends. It is okay to party sometimes on the weekends. Don't get me wrong, however all the time is, one not healthy and two doesn't not lead in the right career path. Not to mention too much drinking is really bad for you.


I wish I would know about how much money I would spend in total for a semester.


Befor I started attendeing this school I wish I knew how to aquire student financial aid.


The only issue I wish I was aware of before attending was residency units. A transfer student must complete nine units of general education in residency at Cal State Fullerton. This sets me back a bit in as I had already fully completed and recieved my Associated Degree before transfering. Because I have to take these classes I may have to stay an extra semester . This notice should have been more vocalized and advertised so that I knew to transfer with a few extra classes to finish. Now I have to take extra classes that I don't necessarily need.