California State University-Northridge Top Questions

Describe the students at California State University-Northridge.


My classmates were very diverse, usually kind and associable.


My classmates at CSUN are very divers.


The students at CSUN at very laid back.


There are many ethnic groups in my school, that means a lot of different people and that makes a classroom more interesting because most of my classmates have different opinions and they invite shy students to participate in the class discussions and it makes everyone feel comfortable to express themselves.


My classmates are friendly, mature people that can always give you some knowledge that you are not aware of.


They are wonderful though they don't talk to me as much.


I belong to CSUN's Athletic Training Education Program which consists of 15 goal driven and ambitious students.


my classmates are very friendly, energetic, attentive and participate alot in class; but yet at times they can be lazy and miss classes causing their grades to go down, and affect their chances of passing the course.


The classes is diverse and full of different kinds of people ethnicity wise, but commonly everyone strives to be successful and to be the top of the class; however most of the time fellow students are extremely friendly and if something is unclear, they will be willing to spend time or form study groups which anyone who needs help can partake in to gain a better understanding of the material.


varied backgrounds