California State University-Northridge Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about California State University-Northridge? Why?


Lack of interpreters for deaf students, lack of volunteer sign language interpreting opputunities for deaf studies majors


Most of the students that attend school commute and it is difficult for us to participate in the events that are catered for people who live in that area. Also, some teachers rarely provide flexible and reliable office hours, which is detrimental for commuting students.


The fact that there is not alot of school spirit is the worst thing about CSUN. This school spirit can only be found by a select few people who attend different athletic events and campus concerts. Yes there is some school spitit, but it's nothing compared to the surrounding schools like USC or UCLA. If we had more school spirit , I think more students would want to be more apart of the campus life.


The worst thing about my school would probably be the availability of Mac's (computers). I am a Mac and when I have to present a powerpoint and the only computers that are available to present on are PC's it becomes a problem. I have nothing against PC's they have really good features also, but data can not really be transferred from a Mac to a PC without getting ruined. If Mac's were available at the computer labs in my school it would make it easier for the people with Mac's to get their work done.


On average it takes about 7 years for a student to graduate with a BA. Classes keep getting cut and it is very hard to graduate on time. Their are little research opportunities for students.


As of right now the worst thing is getting all the classes you need because of budget cuts. It can be difficult for some students to graduate on time because of this. Before the budget cuts the situation was much better and everyone I knew was able to get the classes they needed.


There is no sense of unity or school spirit. It doesn't feel like a university. It has more of a community college feel.


The lack of campus involvement, it is a commuter campus so very few live close to campus.


The worst thing about my school is that we don't have a free bus pass to transfer from one place to another, having to continue to pay funds in order to print school work.


Tutors are lacking in certain areas. Administrative help needs work. You get the run arounds a lot.