California State University-Sacramento Top Questions

Describe how California State University-Sacramento looks to someone who's never seen it.


I am currently enrolled in the honors program at Sacrament State and I am really enjoying being part of this group. My honors classes are smaller, only about 25 students per class. I am able to connect with the teachers and other students on a personnel level.


A diverse, friendly, and educational institution.


California State University is not only a place to get an education with great opportunities but its diverse environment allows one to learn about different cultures and people around the world.


California State University of Sacramento is a school with a positive learning atmosphere where one would feel comfortable to sit down, sip a cup of coffee, enjoy nature, while on a laptop catching up on homework.


School is a lot of girls and boys trying to be popular others just trying to make it through.


Good school, bad administrators, and dead on weekends and holidays.


There is always things to do in the California State University of Sacramento, therefore the campus is never boring neither tiresome, but there are many squirrels.


Diverse witha wide array of majors and minors to fit the needs of an ever growing population.


CSU-Sacramento is a fun and lively campus with great opprtunities to learn, grow and develop as a well rouned person.


Sacramento State is is very green friendly.