California State University-Sacramento Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about California State University-Sacramento!


California State University of Sacramento has a lot of great qualities that I looked for when selecting a college to further my education. It's nursing program is ranked one of the highest programs in the state. It was very difficult to get into the nursing program but I believe it was beneficial in selecting students who are extremely motivated and hard-working. The campus also offers many great resources such as an immaculate gym and wellness center. I am truly blessed to be able to attend such an amazing school and to have been selected into their nursing program.


I considered going to two other schools. Only Sac State was in the center of a major city. From Sac State, one could take the bus and explore the Downtown and Old Town area. There are plenty of shops, events, and eateries there and it is usually where many students spend a night-on-the-town. The other two schools were not near any major cities so the night life would not be as exciting as Sacramento's.


For my undergraduate studies I decided to live with my parents. This allowed me to have a part-time job while being a full-time student. CSUS was unique for me because it was the only university that I could've attended and still taken advantage of the loving support of my parents. This school is also unique because it is located in the State's Capital where there are many State employment opportunities, as well as, access to the Capital, Legislators, the Governor, and more.


Sacramento State has a diverse campus which I love being able to meet new people and learn about their cultures. I love the fact that this campus is filled with the diversity that we need in life to live as right American citizens. This campus also helps with studies through diversity as well as teaching.


From my experience, students are incredibly involved in the areas in which they are majoring in. They all actively participate and encourage other students to participate in the actitivities that are organized on campus. In addition, I have found the teachers that I have met so far to be extremely good-tempered and approachable; this is one thing I value above everything else is a teacher that is willing to sit down and talk to their students if there are any problems the student may face, and so far, all of the teachers have provided that opportunity to me.


CSU Sacramento is a school that is culturally diverse, and I believe that meeting new people from different races and backgrounds will give me a better insight into the business world that I want to enter. The school also has strong connections with companies in the sacramento metropolitan area and I would like to take advantage of any internship opportunities as they become available. Sac State is a beautiful campus and the fauclty is very friendly and helpful, especially when I need something explained to me that I didn't understand at first.


I enjoy my school because unlike many other school in the U.S, Sacramento State University is extremely diverse. There are many students attending from all around the world. When walking around the campus you would never assume that there is a majority race or ethnicity.


I'm a runner so I paid particular attention the the sports programs of al the colleges that I considered. At SacState the sports programs care about the whole person not just the athlete. They also care about all aspects of the athlete, both mental and physical. The sports program at SacState allows me to excel at my sport while at the same time providing me the support to perform to my optimum in my studies.


Sacramento State University is a very diverse, welcoming school. Most of the studetns take school more seriously than my Jr. college @ American River College. There is a big Union where there is plenty of choices of food. It is nice to be able to pick up a .99 cent chicken sandwich and study with a study buddy.


CSUS was the closest university to where I live.