California State University-San Bernardino Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


How expensive school is


I wish I would have known that CSUSB didn't have Greek housing before I came to the school. Most of the other universities have houses for their sororities and fraternities, but CSUSB does not which was a let down to someone who knew they wanted to go greek.


The one thing I had wish i known before attending is that all courses isnt offered every quarter. I planed and had set what courses i would take for what quarters to recieve my 20 units. When it came to signing up for spring classes i wasnt able to take all the course that i had pre-planed to take because those courses werent offered in spring.


The school is a microcosm, bounding in opportunity. While is may be a commuter campus, don't just stop in a go. Get involved in the myriad programs and organizations that have a place at the university and start making an impact on your life and the lives of others. Chances are you'll be better prepared for your career. At the very least, always participate in an internship.


I wish I would have known more about what majors are offered. As I entered school I wanted to major in business and as time went by I changed my mind and decided on becoming a Physical Therapist, but because its not offered at CSUSB I had to change my major again which leaves me in frsutration on what route to take in life.


I wish I had seriously thought about the challenges I would face, events that could discourage me from reaching my goal. Whether the events were day to day or major I wish I had prepared myself for obstacles so that I could have reached my goal sooner instead of getting tripped up. That preparation would most definitely have helped me reach my goals sooner.


I wish I would have know what my major was.


Before coming to this school, I wish I knew that I was going to have so many classes for being a music major, so i could have been prepared for the workload.


How to study better


I wish I had known that there were other slternative schools were I could get my degree without developing a high blood pressure. As a working single mother, it was a lot of sacrifice I had to make in balanceing work, home and school at the same time.