California State University-Stanislaus Top Questions

What should every freshman at California State University-Stanislaus know before they start?


I would tell my self to never give up, always do my best. i would also let myself know that boys can wait. I would probably also apply to more colleges as well as maybe keep another major in consideration.


focus! the most important part is studing and getting good grades everything else will fall into place. dont be overly concerned in hanging out with friends everyday because if you do you may onle be a school for a year. it is better to miss a couple of partys for there will always be more. keep up your high work ethic that gave you the oppertunity to attend college, stay positive and have faith in yourself and nothing will be hard to overcome. try to not load your schedule with classes that you will not be able to handle it is better to get a 3.0 take 12 units then to get a 2.5 taking 18 or 20 units. you have much life to live dont try to cram it all into one year spread it out. also watch the company that yo keep try and hang out with people that will better you and not make your situation worse one good friend is worth a thousand bad ones


You will be faced with many trying endeavors and there will often be times when you don't believe that you can make it through. Working full time while going to school full time will wear you down mentally and physically but you can make it through. You were always taught to fight your way through tough times and to be strong. You are very ambitious and can reach your goals, and even though you will shed tears from the stress of 13 hour days between school and work you will grow as an individual if you stay stong. Do not take time off from school even if you are offered more money at your work because education is the only solution to prospering as a young, independent woman. Each day wake up and be thankful for the opprtunities you have been given. Even though you may doubt that you will be successful as a college student because you are the only one from your family that has attended college, just remember you get out of life what you put in. Stay dedicated to school, work hard, and believe anything is possible.


Looking back at myself in high school, i would encourage myself to try much harder in school. Study more and take AP classes, it will pay off in college. I would tell myself to not give up and let life's circumstances get in my way of learning. I would make sure to set my priorities straight and that school should be the number one thing on my list. I would encourage myself to also become involved in extra curricular activities, like clubs or simply volunteering. Doing such things will help me a lot in college and when looking for internship oppurtunites. Most of all, i would encourage myself to enjoy my time in high school because college is not easy but to remember that it is worth it, in the end.


The only advice I will give to the high school senior, knowing that most of them don't take their studies seriously due to many fan activities going on. Movies, dancing, video games, watching TV to late midnight and a lot of them. This is the reason why most of the high school seniors have very low grade. They also enjoy having girl and boy friends instead of taking their studies more seriously. I will advice myself to take more serious on my books, because now a days we see so many scholarships going to students with better grades. I will work hard to achieve my goal. Learn to earn scholarship to University for my degree courses or work for my Masters . With this anywhere I go for work I have no problem for my future. It is good to take our studies more seriously, because the market seems to be very competing with one another, so if you have low grade it is difficult to get a better job. Youngs, forget about pleasure of this world now and learn hard to achieve what you want, and after that you have all things at your wish. Thanks for this opportunity.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would definitely make sure my younger self undesrtood how important education is. The idea of getting a job right after high school ans working fulltime instead of focusing on school is something I would definitely try to get out of my mind, and go for the full college experience instead. Explain to myself that in the long run it would definetely be the best choice.


Be prepared. Study hard. Take your time and not overwhelm yourself. Ask for help when you need it. Don't be shy. Make study buddies. Do your homework as soon as possible.


Dear Me: Don't be afraid. There are people out there who want to help you succeed at whatever you do, so don't freak out about college. Take it one step at a time, and don't flip out. Get to know your classmates, since together you form a valuable think tank. Be open to new possibilities that you may not have considered before. Listen to your professors, and evaluate everything that you hear. Also, do your homework. Keeping up on the day-to-day work is invaluable when facing a test or exam on the same material. Know that whatever you do, not everyone will like it. You can't fool everyone all of the time, like Abraham Lincoln said. Be brave, and be comfortable in who you are. No one can take that away from you.


Knowing what I know now, I would advise the me in high school to be more socially involved and seek assistance from teachers. Having more peers allows one to be more aware of the world. I had to learn that the hard way. Coming to CSU Stanislaus, my peers and professors opened my eyes to see the diversity of the world and how diversity beautifies everything. Developing a relationship with professors is essential because they are the key to guiding you towards your career path. Other than being more socially involved with peers and professors, I wouldn't advise myself anything else. I believe that every mistake and success has lead me understand the worth of my accomplishments. I discovered my interests and career the hard way. But I wouldn't have it any other way. Finding out my interests and career goal makes it worth even more.


I would say get involved in student activites when you first get to college. This can include joining clubs, playing intramural sports, or joining a fraternity. Stay focused on your goals in college, study but at the same time enjoy your social life. Pick a career before you go into school and do your research so what you know what is necessary to complete the major.