California State University-Stanislaus Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about California State University-Stanislaus?


Other than the usual frustrations that most students go through while attending school such as assignment deadlines or financial issues, I would have to say, personally, that the most frustrating thing about CSU-Stanislaus is the duck feces that crowd the campus walkways. Who wants to worry about stepping in duck poo while walking to class? About every weekend the walkways are cleaned, but it doesn't seem to be enough-they should be cleaned during the week as well. Other than that being my biggest pet peeve against the school, I find the university overall as exceptional.


The most frustrating thing about my school lately is due to state buget cuts. It is becoming harder and harder to get classes. Being a double major, it is making my four year plan turn into a five year plan.


The Most frustrating thing about my school is the amount of preference there is towards the faternities and the sororities. I would prefer that the jobs that most students need would be distributed evenly among the students that are associated with fraternities and sororities and the students that have nothing to do with them. Hopefully when you are ready to come to this truely beatiful campus things would already have had changed.


In my oppinion, the most frustrating thing about school is taking notes. I am one of those persons that loves school and I love everything about it. I enjoy going to class and learning new things but like i said before I get frustrated when it comes on taking notes. For the fact that it is essential to take note in all of my classes i try extra hard to focus.


The most frustrating thing about CSU Stanislaus is the budget cut, and how it affects everything around the university. For one, it cuts back classes. This affects students because they have to stay in college longer. Secondly, it affects the professors. Due to the cuts, the University hires a lot of temporary professors with no office or office hours. Students who need the extra help are left to search for answers elsewhere.


The cost of tuition and parking, lack of classes.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the lack of character that most people have. When you go to college it is important to branch out and be yourself, and nobody has anything to lose. College is a fresh start, you make yourself be whoever you want to. Its important to stay true to your values and stand apart from others.


Right now it is really hard to get classes because of budget cuts. Also, tuition has gone steadily up for the past two years. Even though we pay more, it seems like we are getting less.


The most frusterating thing about my school has been the scheduling conflicts between when the classes are consistently offered and my daily schedule. While consistency is a great asset, flexibility is an even better one with such a diverse population of students.


Lack of classes.