California University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The best thing about my school is how friendly all of the student's are twords eachother.


My school offers oppertunites for students to strive. It is a big enough campus to be fun, but small enough that professors know my name.


The best thing about my school i would have to say is the academics. I love going to class, all of the professors are so passionate about what they teach. They are always willing to help you do better, and they really do want you to succeed. Where as highschool, the teachers were not always passionate, and that was very discouraging to the subject they were trying to teach.


The best thing about Cal U would be the professors and academic advisors. I was able to receive an exception and substitute a required class so that I could greadute a semester early. I LOVE THIS SCHOOL.


California University of Pennslyvania is a great place to broaden your horizons and try new things, and I know that sounds corny and cliche, but it's 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} true in my case. Before I went to Cal U, I had no idea that I could make it on my own, but after just one year there, I know it's where I want to be. The environment is perfect for me, just the right blend of academics and fun.


I juust love the whole environment about my school. Everyone is so friendly and willing to help.




The best thing about California University of Pennsylvania is the small campus and class sizes. This allows professors to get to know their students better, and therefore create a better learning environment for the student. Also, because of the small campus size, students are not lost in their university; they can walk from one end of the university to the other in less than fifteen minutes.


The best thing about California University is the people. The staff and stundents really do try to keep thing core values of the college. Integrity, responsibility, and civility are qualities present in everyone I meet at school, and I think that is great!


The people here make my experience enjoyable. My favorite part about classes are the students who are in them. Everyone is different and adds a different spice to the mixture of people. It's great to meet new people and learn about their backgrounds and personalities.