Calvin College Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Calvin College!


Huge emphasis on community


Our school has a Christian center without ridiculous constraints.


I think that Calvin is unique because it is a Calvinist Christian college but we are also a liberal college and students know that they don't have to be afraid to offer up their opinions. Even if thoe opinions differ from the ideals of the school. We are always encouraged to discuss, debate, listen, and in general be your self in a well constructed small but not too small environment that trully wants to see its students succeed and prosper in the larger world.


The most unique thing about Calvin is the relationships between faculty and students. With smaller class sizes for most non-core courses, students can build closer relationships with the professors in their major than is common in other colleges. The student senate furthers the opportunities to interact with professors by sponsoring the "Take a Prof to Lunch" program, in which every student, by filling out a short voucher, can have a buffet cafeteria meal with a professor of their choice up to twice a semester. This meal is free for both the professors and the students, even without a mealplan.