Capella University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Capella University?


The curriculum is excellent.


My grades, my accomplishments. How organized, and helpful my school is. The staff who are always will and ready to help assist you, the learner support, the program degree choices that offered, and the school's accreditation.


I love most of my teachers - they are engaging, informative and tend to know their stuff.


I brag about the flexinility it provides. You can logg on from anywhere any time and as long as you follow the course outline and complete teh assignements on time, there really are no surprises!


After a third start, I'm finally in a spot to commit and finish my degrees. It's about time, too, after 20 years working in the field, I can finish and have the proper papers to satisfy the paper-seekers that I've done what needs to be done to prove myself academically. I've already done that professionally, so this should make me more well-rounded.


That I am back in school and doing well.


Well I am going for my Masters in Network Architecture. The most i brag is that i am going for my masters degree and that Capella University offers more degrees. I will be the first family member to get a Masters degree. The school is also competitive and I love the online courses


I tell them of the steps the college has taken to ensure me of my success as an online student. The fact that there is a week of orientation along with videos to aid me in my transition is so helpful and impressive. The concern for taking an online class versus campus classes have subsided. I look forward to my future at Capella University.


I tell people about how the online courses are organized. Besides the professor, each class is also assigned a technical anaylst to help with computer issues. The course work is divided into easy to follow units. The professor pre-records a video to explain the weeks expectations.


I would have to say that the fact that stands out the most about Capella is that the professors are all active in the various subjects and professions they teach.


Capella is an extremely supportive school. Its distance learning program is designed to facilitate the learning experience in the best way possible. This includes frequent contact with guidance counselors, advanced learning rooms for each course, and access to online libraries and other materials. For returning learners, especially those who are employed full-time, these are invaluable tools.


The school understands that people have lives outside the classroom.


When I speak about my University to my friends, I am most proud of its policies regarding our servicemen. Capella University offers many programs that ease the way for them to pursue an alternate career should they leave the service. As a child of a decorated veteran whose adjustment into mainstream life was not an easy path it matters greatly to me, that Capella makes this transition easy. I am also proud and occasionally brag about Capella's one on one relationships. My professors and fellow classmates are on a first name basis. We are online-and on target.