Capella University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Capella University? Why?


Capella is an awesome school and I don't have any "worst" things to submit. There was a "not so favorable" experience that took place but it was personal. I just felt there could/should have been more compassion for me during that time as I had been a student for over 3 years and very close to completing my bachelors program. In the end, it worked out and I received my bachelors degree a year later.


Capella is an awesome school and I don't have any "worst" things to submit. There was a "not so favorable" experience that took place but it was personal. I just felt there could/should have been more compassion for me during that time as I had been a student for over 3 years and very close to completing my bachelors program. In the end, it worked out and I received my bachelors degree a year later.


The experience is good.


The courses need to be explained in further detail. They exepect you to already know the subject you are taking. Instead of giving lectures they leave it up to the student to figure out how to do the projects. this makes it especially difficult because I am taking online courses.


The professors that do not understand that life can get busy.


There is not that I don't like about my school. However to some, it could be the online environment.


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I would say is not knowing how to find my way online to all the many links that were provided for us. I feel that each College or University should offer a link where all of the new students could do a webinar with a professor that could show us each step of the way and that we could ask any amount of questions we would have and everyone would be able to logon to this webinar and be given all of the information in that webinar and then follow up with the new incoming students on the website itself.


Honestly, I can't mention anything bad about Capella. The has the Blackboard learning environment which makes learning not only easy but fun. I have never had a bad experience while attending Capella. The school as a whole simply exudes an atmosphere of willing support. I expect with this kind of atmosphere, I will suceed and be successful.


Capella is an on-line school. It lacks the face to face interaction that is gained from traditional schools. To this date I do not know what any of my instructors look like nor do I know what many of my classmates look like. It is difficult to put a face to class discussions. Because of this, some feeling is lost in translation.


What I would consider the worst thing about my school, is the fact that it's an online school.


The online tutorials and many of the textbooks are dated.


I can't think of anything.


Perhaps the worst thing concerning my school would be the lack of initiative provided by the school for the instructors as to selection of course material. Everything is completely laid out and structured for them and simply does not use their expertise properly.


There arent many things that I could say I do not like about my college. Sometimes I do feel that it is easier to be face to face, so if i have a question i could get an answer right then and there instead of waiting 24hrs.


The worse thing would be having to have certain posts done by a certain day and time.


I have no complaints so far.


The worst thing about my school is that it is on-line and many recruiters still think that on-line universities are not as good as on campus universities. So, potentially I might have trouble getting a job.


Other than the cost, really nothing, I 've had a great experience so far.