Carlow University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Carlow University?


Not being told correct information and having my advisor to be told to try to get me to consider another major when mine got discontinued! And not even finding out from my advisor first that my major got discontinued!!!! =(


The most frustrating thing about my school is the tuition fee. It is extremely high and if you are an individual who pays your way through school, it can be very difficult to pay your tuition and work to allow for sufficient needs.


The only minor annoyance at Carlow is the overwhelming price to attend. I have to look for scholarships and financial support constantly.


The sceduling needs an overhaul. There are too few classess and Carlow has some weird combinations of day and hours that vcan make it nearly impossible to get a decent schedule every year.


How strict they are with overnights and visitors. Visitors have to be signed out by eleven, except for Friday and Saturday, they can be signed out at two. Overnights are very limited and can only take place on the weekends. I feel that since this is college, it's time to not be babysat anymore - we should be allowed to have looser visitation rules.


The most frustrating thing about Carlow would probably have to be the fact that the entire campus is basically on a hill. Therefore, no matter which building you are going to for class, you have to truck up a huge hill in order to get there. It get's very annoying in the winter too, when its cold and icy!