Carnegie Mellon University Top Questions

Describe how Carnegie Mellon University looks to someone who's never seen it.


Carnegie Mellon contains a lot of intelligent people.


Carnegie Mellon is a great place for your career, research, learning, and technology, but the social life or lack thereof is a drag, and there aren't enough attractive women.


Makes most people work way to hard and sleep too little and stay up too late.


Carnegie Mellon is a place for people who want to succeed in life and are willing to sacrifice some of the small pleasures in order to get the best they can.


A school that is at the top of the rankings in Engineering, Business, Arts/Architecture, Music, Performing Arts, and Computer Science (show me another school like it).


This school places a lot of emphasis on academics and most of the time the student's social life suffers greatly becasue of it, whether this is becasue a large population of the school is just naturally antisocial has yet to be seen but is entirely possible.


My school is performance driven- literally it's a tech school.


Logic is a heavy aspect of every course.


A place where you get to learn while pulling all-nighters just to get by.


Geeky yet consisting of a variety of student body