They are: friendly, helpful, enthusiastic, ambitious, etc.
CMU is pretty apathetic, really. There are religious groups, political and LGBT groups on campus that are active, and you will find people that will support whatever interests you have, but in general most people are focused on their studies. The campus leans to the left, but it is far from "super liberal". Also, the student body is generally affluent, but there are many exceptions and it isn't assumed that everyone has strong financial resources in their parents.
The only people who would feel out of place on campus are people who aren't passionate about life -- about their major, about the world, about their place in our future. I'm not going to lie -- disengaged, undirected people will not like it here.
The elegance of a student's body at CMU is made up for by his or her academic brilliance. There are a few exceptions, NoSuchMethodException, NullPointer, etc (yes, we hate Java too but it is taught here). Fortunately, our Starcraft tournaments have better turnout than the football games (at least I think we have one).
Acceptable clubs include the KGB, CIA, OGS, OMGIHATE251, etc ... Do not join frats, your grades will suffer. Do not join sororities, well, ok most of them are fine ... most.
There are all types of people at CMU because of the strong contrast (generally speaking) between CFA students and engineering/math and science students. The campus is overall extremely liberal, so people with more conservative values may feel out of place. Also, most people who attend CMU are city dwellers, and are used to cit life, so anyone from a more rural area may feel out of place at CMU as well.
Most students wear pretty casual clothing to class; jeans, T-shirts, some even wear pajama pants.
The most prevalent social background at CMU is wealthy or upper middle class. This is because CMU offers very few scholarship opportunities and the tuition is one of the most expensive in the country.
CMU students are from many places around the world. Almost half of them are Asian. I do not think that there is a racial issue here.
There are loads of different cultures in the CMU student body. I think it is unfortunate that races are often segregated due to many clubs organized specifically for an individual race, but in multiracial settings the knowledge you can gain from people of different backgrounds is priceless. Being around someone from every part of the world really trains you to become a world leader.
Carnegie Mellon has a really diverse student body. There is a large population of international students which has made my college experience all the more interesting.
There seems to be a lot of diversity on campus, I've run into all sorts of groups and they all convey their ideas in a polite way. They do not force anything on you. For example, I
am an atheist and every day in the winter I go to the young Christians table and get free hot chocolate. Its a bond we share. So money... some kids have a lot of it and the other kids are on some kind of scholarship. There does not seem to be many people in between. Students
are very aware of politics and current events. In general, the student body is a determined intelligent lot of people that enjoy working and discussing anything from the latest processor specs to the latest theater show.
It's like 40{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} girls 60{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} guys. There are a lot of Asians. Most people consider themseleves more spiritual than religious, but religious groups are present on campus and that kind of diversity is definitely accepted. People of different socio-economic backgrounds are present and I've never heard of any problems between people over that. People usually wear jeans and a t-shirt to class, but some people do choose to get dressed up, especially in the school of drama, and it's not a big deal, everyone kind of does their own thing.