The Greek community is pretty small, less than 20{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}, but extremely visible on campus. Greek organizations are always holding events, social or philanthropic. Most of the parties during the weekend are at the fraternities. There aren't too many wild parties during the week because everyone's doing homework. There are great university sponsored events (movies, games, actvities) on Friday and Saturday night if partying isn't your thing.
Pittsburgh's a pretty sweet place to go to college. The costs of living are pretty low compared with other college cities (Philly, Boston, NYC, etc.). There are a lot of things to do on campus, I can't even begin to count the number of clubs and student organizations you can join.
The greek system is really good, and the frats and sororities are where really social people congregate. If you want people to party with, for a guy, you can easily find them in a frat. And all the houses are really different in their personalities so you'll definitely be able to find SOMEWHERE to fit in.
There is also a great tradition at CMU called carnival. It's near the end of April, you get thursday and friday off, and I can't even explain everything that goes on. Basically just one big party all weekend, with a whole bunch of school traditions thrown in.
I think the most popular groups are sororities/frats, RAs/Orientation counselors (OCs), Crossseekers/Intervarsity, ABTech, SDC, SWE, organizations specific to ones major. It depends on what dorm you live in, if you live a predominatly freshman dorm, the doors are left open all the time, but when it comes to upperclassmen, they're not trying to make new friends:) and the doors are barely ever left open. Athletic events are getting more popular, but not as big as a Division I school. Its mainly athletes and their friends supporting other athletes. The school movie is big b/c its cheap, so if they're showing a good movie, a lot of people will be there. Also, when there are really famous guest speakers like Bill Gates, there are huge lines to get in, but for other speakers they are usually specific for certain majors (not exclusive but lecture topic) and mainly graduate students/facult/staff go even though undergraduates are welcome. I think a lot of people date at CMU, for me I havent found anyone my type (mainly b/c I don't have time) also there are several other universities that people branch out to to find their potential mates, 2 of my closest friends boyfriends are from University of Pittsburgh, which is by the way literally a block away. I met my closest friends from the volleyball team and mainly from my dorm freshman year, but as the year progressed some people from my major became my closest friends as well. I usually am never up that late (which is not the case for most people), but if I am finishing a huge assignment. Annual events/traditions are Spring Carnival: (Buggy, Booth and freetime), Lunar Gala Fashion show, Spirit Fashion show, Mayur show, Dancer's Symposium, Winter Gala, Chili Cook off, Mobots, National Engineers Week, Greek Sing, Mr. Fraternity, the list could go on. I think people party a lot especially when the fraternites are not on probation. If they are there are a lot of house parties. Frats/Sororites are big only if you want to join one, if you don't (which most people do not want to) they are only useful for parties. Last weekend I went to my friends house (who now lives off campus) and a bunch of us made dinner and watched a movie. On Saturday night besides drinking, there are many things one can do: Aerobics classes in the gym, UC Late night (event every weekend which is free), watch a play put on by the drama school, go to the movies, shopping, bowling, out to dinner, etc. I unfortunately havent had much time to do stuff off campus yet, but a lot of other people do, (it may just be me) but their a lot of museums and cool stuff Pittsburgh has to offer.
The most important groups on campus of the Greek organizations because they provide most of the social opportunities on weekends as well as random social activities on a day to day basis. The cultural awareness group I am involved with is called SPIRIT. We aim to unify minorities on campus and provide social as well as educational events for members and also unify minorities with their fellow students. Many of my friends are a part of the SPIRIT organization. However the organization cannot be as influential as a greek organization because we do not have the monetary capacity of those organizations.
Organized athletic events are not very significant unless you yourself or an athlete. Typically other athletes support the other sports in the athletic department. However, many students get excited about intramural sports. I personally enjoy IM basketball and football.
Every year there are two fashion shows, The Lunar Gala, and the Spirit fashion show which generate a lot of attendance from the CMU community and the Outside college community.
People party at the fraternity houses on weekends if they are under 21, typically older students explore the pittsburgh party scene rather than the campus social activities.
Because my fraternity is at the University of Pittsburgh, I spend a lot of time with students on Pitt's campus, as do many other CMU students because the school are in such close proximity.
Athletic events are not very popular thoughout campus. Atheles support other athletes. However, initiatives are being made to involve both athletics and academic extracirriculars so that everyone can have support and a fan base for their work.
There are large number of academic-oriented clubs and organizations in CMU, such as the Robotics club. There are also large numbers of guest speakers and seminars weekly in the many different departments of CMU. CMU is not however, that big of a party school. Fraternities do not seem to be as important or predominant compared to other universities. There is a very diverse student population and many people to meet, however the university could sometimes make it difficult for students in different fields to bridge outside of classes. Once again however, since CMU is in a city rather than a campus in the suburbs, it is easy for students to interact outside of campus and many subcultures exist.
people party like they're in high school. every party you go to someone will throw up and you'll see it happen. it might even get on you. If you're a guy and you don't know who's house it is or anyone in a fraternity, plan on getting kicked out, unless you're with cute girls. if someone doesn't know you at a party they will consider you an intruder-- plan on pushing and shoving.
Athletics are a joke here but they're fun if you're on a team because they're low key. Fraternities are alright but commonly get the shaft by the administration when it comes to having fun. Sororities are in general over active ugly girls but there are a couple good ones.
sports and greek. my fraternity. yes. not popular. work. painting the fence. once or twice a week. track meet. movie.