Carnegie Mellon University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Carnegie Mellon University?


Everyone works really hard in my school.


Famous alumni, the fact that the name got me my first Off-Broadway credit, my class schedule, which sometimes runs straight from 7:30am-11:30pm. Also the quality of the artistic education in a broad sense.


how high the college ranks in various magazine lists




How the administration listens to student objection and trie to fix the problems.


I talk about the academics. The teachers here are very good and the course work is demanding.


I don't brag about my school at all. I'm not proud of going to Carnegie Mellon. When it comes to school, I talk about three things when I go home: how hard classes are and how much work I have, how much I like my fraternity and my friends, and how much I get annoyed by the antisocial, weird people that go to my school.


The career opportunities that the school helps you create.