Carnegie Mellon University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Carnegie Mellon University?


The unfortunate CMU stereotype is that we are all ugly nerds. People who go to neighboring universities sweat that there is a CMU student "lool", and that they can tell who CMU students on sight.


Its full of East-Asians. There are few female students.


Most of the time if someone hears that you go to CMU their first instinct is to ask whether you're doing engineering or computer programming. There are no cute girls, there are no cute guys. if you're going to college to meet attractive people CMU is not for you. No one has sex. If you do have sex you're either gay or having sex with someone you don't find attractive. Everyone studies all the time and no one likes to have fun.


Everyone here is a foreign nerd.


They're whack and socially retarded


no sex, everyone is a dork, no fun and all work.


CMU kids are extremely nerdy, they spend most of their time studying. Tepper kids are backstabbers, and CFA kids are all better looking. In addition, none of the students tend to give a damn about things outside of the classroom or textbooks.


A stereotype about CMU students are that they are all ugly and nerdy.


That everyone here loves video games and programming more than going out. That students are really smart and hardworking and can't do anything else. That this school is really challenging and makes you work really really hard. oh and that we dont sleep here


Haha, where should I start? Perhaps the most pervasive stereotype is that everyone at CMU is a huge nerd. We all wear pocket protectors, interact much better via AIM and rarely leave our rooms because we are too busy playing World of Warcraft. Quite honestly, CMU students also have a reputation for being ugly. Students in the College of Fine Arts are supposed to be the only attractive people on campus. Drama students are supposed to be completely insane.