Carnegie Mellon University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


The extremely cloistered, studious, focused nature of the student body


Not to be apologetic about special considerations due to religious observation. Also, that the more you push (with a smile on your face), the more you get out of the beaurocratic chain.


The amount of emphasis on school or social life and personal well being.


I wish I had known what my field of study was. I changed majors after coming to college into a field I had previously never studied. It would have been a great help if I knew what I was interested in when I was interested in it (or would have been interested in it) - in high school that is.


Nothing really comes to mind. Coming from a tiny hippy high school, I wasn't prepared for the workload at Carnegie Mellon. But I was told it would be a lot more work here, I just didn't know how much more or what that workload felt like.


How little financial aid I would receive