Carroll College Top Questions

Describe the students at Carroll College.


The students at Carroll are very driven to learn everything they can. They are all for the community on campus and off. It's as if you never had left home from a huge family


Everyone here is very friendly and welcoming. Campus is small, so you pretty much see everyone every day. The dorms are always fun, the teachers are your friends, and everyone genuinely cares about each other.


My classmates want to learn and care about Carroll College. They want a bright future in their field.


While Carroll doesn't host a lot of ethnic diversity, there is a wide range of people here. Being from a big city, it was extraordinary to meet people who had graduated high school in a class of four students. Carroll students are academically driven, but we know how to have a good time. Outdoor activities are huge, especially in the winter once it starts snowing, and those are the only times that campus is ever dead. They're a good group of people, but having so many people from a rural background and little diverse experience was hard.