Carroll College Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Carroll College?


I love to brag to my friends that no matter where I am at on my campus, I can make it to class in ten minutes.


It has a great nursing program, one of the best with a good reputation which means I am likely to get a job right out of school.


The community is really close and the class sizes are small.


Carroll College has small classes with professors who are not only excited about what they teach but also care about your education. Much of the education is centered around scenarios, visual-aids, and simulation labs that effectively incorporate what you learn in class into real-life situations. It really helps bring everything together, especially for my nursing classes.


Most classes are around 25-30 students so it is a great size. The professors are super friendly, sometimes my friends and I will hang out in their offices just to get to know them better because they are super easy going. The dorms are a little old, but they are a pretty good size, they are almost doubled compared to state schools! I know it is a small school, but it is worth the family that you build there.


It's a family. A description is not enough to try and convey what it is like at Carroll. Even a short visit does not give it justice, simply a glimpse. The staff, faculty, students, and alumni work & live together to help one another. Whether it's homework or trading funny stories there is a chemistry on campus that is noteable to everyone in the Carroll community.


I talk about how even though i have more in loans, that i'm getting twice the education that they are. This is largely due to the fact it is a smaller school that is more academicly demanding then their preferred college.