Carroll College Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Carroll College?


This school is so accepting that all people should attend.


I think anyone who is focused on their education could attend this school. The students are very accepting of everyone around. We are one big giant family ready to love anyone who comes.


Carroll College is a private Catholic college with high prestige. While a Catholic student would feel very at home, any religion is accepted and will find comfort. Carroll is also a school with very deep roots in science, so anyone looking to major in Biology, Chemistry, or Nursing would find a perfect Carroll a perfect match.


a person who is ready to focus on a liberal arts education. They should be prepared to attend a very small school that is probably much smaller than their high school. the person should like doing things outdoors or simply going to all the football games to take in the amazingness of our team. they should be prepared to be engulfed in the community that is Carroll college.


Anyone looking for a small, yet enthusiastic school with a championship football team and anyone with the desire to become more involved with their community while receiving an excellent education.