Carroll College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Carroll College know before they start?


I would tell my senior self to get as good as grades as possible. You need to get better study habits or you may not make the one class that helps you into a program. Make new friends as soon as possible, these friends can help you with homework and just all around college stress. Get to know the professors and take them up on their offers of help, you'll need the help. Exchanges numbers or emails with classmates, it stinks studying by yourself and then not knowing how to do some of the stuff makes it worse. Make study groups, you gain perspective, but you also gain help if you don't understand something. Always have a snack in your bag for those moments of forgetfulness. Always eat breakfast, helps concentration in an 8 o'clock class. Participate in a club or two, you get to know other students. Get a work-study job, its easy money and you can study on down time. Always have back-up pens, pencils for that one day you got up late. Always take good notes, and if you're gone from class, get the notes.


When you attend Carroll College you don't just become another student, you become a part of the Carroll family and community. Such has been my experience at Carroll. The faculty and staff at Carroll are very friendly and willing to help you in any situation. The professors here actually care about your education and want you to succeed, while giving you the tools to do so. Transferring to Carroll has been vital not only to my nursing education but also to my personal growth. I have learned much about the art and science of nursing and the care of others. I have also learned much about myself and my own goals and aspirations. The knowledge that I have gained from this institution have been invaluable to my career and I am very grateful to have chosen this school.


I've received a great education and great social skills in my time at Carroll. Other than the education Carroll's best aspect is its community. This community, which continues through life as alumni, is a valuable asset for later in life.


College was never something that I looked forward to doing, it was just something I knew I had to do, but when I found Carroll College I knew instantly that it was the perfect choice for me without knowing anything about it. As the months went on my freshman year I knew that Carroll was my home away from home, everyone was so loving and accepting and I created a ton of close friends. Carroll has been a valuable school for me to attend because not only have I grown in my education and getting hands on experience, but I have also grown in my faith. Faith is something that has always ment a great deal to me so when I was able to grow in a different way at school made my faith life because of school a valuable part of my college experience. College has been full of friends, laughs, hugs, stories, study sessions, and God. I would never give up my college experience because it has made me into the great person I am today.


Have fun. Get involved. Try something new. Be safe. Follow your gut. Stay up with friends having a good time but remember to sleep some nights. Naps are not just for grandparents. Study hard. Ask questions. Relax and treat yourself from time to time. Exercise, it's good for you! It's okay to make mistakes, even fail. Top ramen and pizza do not cover every food group. Follow your heart. Be yourself. Be confident. Smile.


When I decided on a college, I wanted to move far away from my home town. Thus, I decided on Carroll College, seven hours away from home. While I had visited the school and loved the aspect, I did not look into the programs very well and now regret it. I have decided to pursue Graphic Design and there is no program for this here at Carroll. So, if I could go back and talk to myself as a Senior, I would have strongly recommended starting the college search much sooner and more thoroughly weighed all my options.


Now that I am in school, my biggest piece of advice would be "Don't procrastinate". I would tell myself to study now instead of feeling the despair that I couldn't do anything later. I wouldn't procrastinate taking my GED. I would also advise myself to listen to my father when he says that all I need to do is take it one little bit at a time and I will rock this world. I would tell myself that everything is as wonderful as I daydreamed it would be. My advice would be to get into college as soon as my senior year was over.


I would say to stay active and to learn good study habbits.


Be sure to study and take challenging classes or honor classes..


the main thing is that i would establish good study habits in high school.