Carroll College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Carroll College know before they start?


When choosing a college, I would talk to the students. Not the students they give you to talk to in admissions, but try to get a feel for how students that are not employed to tell you how wonderful the school is feel about it. Students can generally honestly answer your questions about the attitude of the school, the high points of the school, and the low points. In finding a perfect college, there is not just the issue of programs to consider, but the issue of personality. If your school does not fit your personality, you are going to feel out of place, and likely not perform as well. It's important to take time in choosing a school, and to find one that will suit all your needs, educational and otherwise.


Firstly, let me address the finding of the right college. I believe that there is more than one "right college" for a person. Although many people stay with the same college a lot of the time, there is definitely the posibility that the college you are attending may not be right for you in two years or one year or whenever. As far as finding the right college, my advice is to talk to people. Don't just talk to the people that they set out to tell you how great the school is and a few words about what is less desirable about the school; talk to regular students too and ask them how they made their decision. I have missed the idea of finding a college. For me, I used an online program called Naviance set up from my school and frankly, without that, I would have had to be much more creative and resourceful and researched a lot. Making the most of college is different for everyone so I can only really answer for myself: take your time, explore what grabs you, really listen to the people around you, study for knowledge, love, and be yourself!


Visiting the school is a must. In order to make the most of your college experience, just put yourself out there. leave your room door open when you're inside and say hi to people in the hall. dont be afraid to get out there and check out the off campus sights. and definitely don't be afraid to try new things.


Visit the campus and don't underestimate your own wants, needs, and boundaries. Think it through.


When trying to decide which school is right for you, look at colleges that aren't in your state because some schools have cheaper tuition than your in-state schools. Also, make sure to stay active in campus life. Most people only go to college once so make sure to go and visit your choices before you commit because if you don't like where your college is, you won't be going to school there long. So when considering where to go, remember to pick a school that fits you.


Visit the campus and take the tour... talk to the professors that teach in the subject you are considering in majoring in if you can.