Carson-Newman University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Carson-Newman University know before they start?


Encourage them to talk to students who are not part of the commitees to attract new students to the school. Have the student visit the school during a time of year when not a lot of new students are visiting to get a good idea of what the campus life is really like, because after one, two, or three years, it can get really boring and depressing if there's nothing to do. Find a school that doesn't do things in order to "get rid" of the students that professors see as weak links, find a school who encourages and pushes students to do their best in a positive manner.


Students should go and visit the college before they apply or before they commit to the school. While there, they should speak with Financial Aid in order to see how much help they will need. The earlier you start looking the better. In order to make the most of your experience while in college, I suggest that you do every possible social activity possible on campus. Make lots of friends and have study groups with people in your class. Go to all the sporting events and show your team spirit. Also, never be afraid to go to your professor with a problem... you might just benefit from it. Parents, encourage your student with their college decision. Help them to be informed. Once your child is at school, always be encouraging. Never put your child down despite mistakes. They have to learn how to grow up on their own. Do your best to help them however you can. Negativity is a definite NO NO!!!!! All that will do is stress out your child and they will not appreciate the added stress.


The advie I have for parents is to be there for their children and help them out, but let your child pick the school and major and surrport them no matter what thier choice is. I adive students to reach for their goals. Never give up! Even if you reach for that school you always wanted to go to since freshman year of high school, but find you changed your mind. Do not be discourage. Just keep trying, as long as you try you will find the school that best fits you. To make the best of the college experience is to try to find a find a good healthy blance of school, work, a socical life, and sleep (health). Do get involed and always try your best. As long as you feel you have done your best you will awlays feel happy about your college experience. If you do get stressed out there is always help on any campus. Do not be afaid to ask or seek for help. If you are willing to help your self people are going to be willing to help you. I wish you the best and remeber always follaw your heart.


Don't worry too much about whether or not you have chosen the PERFECT college; your college experience will be what YOU make of it, no matter where you go. Through the influence of both new knowledge and new friends you will grow and change personally and professionally. At Christian colleges especially you must be careful to keep an open mind at all times--not to abandon your religion, but to grow in it and make it your own. Sign up for classes you don't have to take--even classes you don't expect to enjoy--you will learn the most from them. And finally, remember that you will ultimately measure your college experience not by your GPA or transcript or even the number of people you "friended" on facebook, but by what you learned about the world, and what you discovered about yourself.


Don't just listen to what the admissions office tells you, get to know the real school and they real students.


Find what major your son/daughter is interested in persuing throughout life, and find the school that fits best with their lifestyle. For examples, the size of the class rooms, different teachers, and how large the campus is. Also, know what scholarships are available, becuase you want to go to the school that interest you, but also is going to pay for some of your school, because when you get out of college, you do not want extreme amount of student loans. Before you enroll, go to the school and check out there campus and see what the school is about. That will be the best way for you to know if you are truely interested in attending that college or university.