Casa Loma College-Van Nuys Top Questions

What should every freshman at Casa Loma College-Van Nuys know before they start?


My college experience has been an eye opening journey because I have learned so much while attending my local community college. College has taught me about who I am and what I want out of life, which is to become a registered nurse. As a little girl, I dreamed about going to college, but I never knew what I wanted to be until I went to an info session at my college. It was at that meeting that I realized I wanted to get a degree within the nursing field; persuing my dream is what I have been doing. While in college, I have learned about my strengths and weaknesses. I have found what tecniques suit me best and how to get the most out of study time. Organizing my time has been added to my life ever since I started college, along with prioritizing. The importance of friendships has made me realize that this is the time in my life that I am going to make life long friends who are going to go through thick and thin with me. College has taught me the importance of an education, and it has created memories that will last a lifetime!


Different people have different experience. studying in college, I acturally learned many things that I have never met before. For other people, I am not better than them, even I am so stupid. But I would not depressed, because I just have not looked for my stage. I am introverted. I am not good at making friends. I do not have confidence in myself. This is me. I have three very very good friends. They appear at my different studying time, primary school, middle school and college. Middle school time, I am in class 8. A friend sat near me, is a talkative girl. She make my life in middle school different. At that time, I am popular in my class and every classmates like me,even teachers. I am so happy and go play every weeken. My learning never fall. Time flies. I attend college in 2007. Full of hopeness, I reach at Hui Zhou University. Every thing is fresh and beautiful. And I am so excited. I joined in different communities and participated in different acticities. My thought gradually grow. I learned many things and made many friends. My life become large and I am no a child.