Very open to the LGBT community, and numerous religious/cultural/political organizations and centers available for students. With the high tuition many students are work study as well. Cliches do form among certain ethnicities, but I personally have a very diverse group of friends.
The students at my school are all unique. Everyone fits in wonderfully at Case Western. No one would feel out of place here. There are multiple different student groups on campus that would cater to anyone's interests. Students are from all across the United States, as well as from other countries across the world. Due to this, Case Western is very diverse.
Ehh...not really sure what to say here...
I guess if you're African American you might feel *a bit* out of place simply because there are very of you guys here. For sure very few (inclined to say no one, but that's probably unlikely...) people are racist so you'll be treated the same as anyone else, thankfully. The point is simply that there are very few African Americans at Case. This is also true for hispanics.
If you're asian...rejoice. You'll find many asians here. But again, you don't HAVE to be with asians! I have an asian friend, but I also know asians who like to stick together. It's completely up to you.
There are also a fair share of foreign students which is nice, but it doesn't affect me much at all because to be honest, THEY do stick together. There are a lot of koreans from my class and they really stay as a pack. The majority of them don't like to, or don't feel comfortable speaking with "us". Oh well, they seem happy with each other for the most part...
They are mostly helpful and very knowledgeable.
The students at Case are intelligent and driven while still being unique, diverse, and fun.
Very focused and hardworking
More nerdy than cool.
Most of the students here are insanely intelligent; many are brilliant or genius-level (though some got in based on grades alone).
My classmates are very intelligent, involved, and lots of fun on the weekends. Everyone is different. You have people that are mostly focussed on staying in studying or playing video games with friends. You also have the movie buffs, and music feins. You also have the people who like to Party on the weekends and go out and have a good time in down town Cleveland. Greek Life here is like none other where all the fraternatities and sorotities get along and do events together and there is no hazing or pressure to join. Things here are great!
My classmates are hard working and most are friendly.