Haha, yes and no. Starting from the top:
It's true that Case doesn't have as many "hot" girls as state schools: but we're also a fraction of the size. Case is also more tailored to engineering and the sciences, so the women that Case attracts are a bit different from the ones state schools may attract. Regardless, it's really not so bad and the CWRU joke is not warranted. There are a lot of good looking girls, but the majority are "normal" (which is fine!). Of course, as with any place on Earth, there are also the ones that are not-so-good-looking to put it in nicer terms.
As for Case students being really nerdy: oh this is absolutely true. But it's not necessarily a bad thing at all. In fact, I'm inclined to say that it's really awesome. I'm a Computer Science major but I live with an Aerospace Engineer, two Physics Engineers (don't ask!) and a Biomedical Engineer. The two physics engineers are extremely passionate about their physics classes and you can see the enthusiasm and the love for the subject when they start talking about special relativity and god knows what other stuff that they have a passion for and that goes over my head.
The none physicists call them out on it and say "wow you're being really nerdy" and then everyone kind of just starts laughing. Yes, we're nerdy: we are smart individuals who have a passion for a specific area of study and we are able to acknowledge that something (such as special relativity) is interesting even if it has nothing to do with our major. By no means do we only talk about nerdy things - but we are capable of starting a discussion or conversation about something interesting and "nerdy" without having to feel bad about it because we are surrounded by others with similar interests.
As for social skills...unfortunately the stereotype is hit or miss. For sure a lot of kids are "normal" (see above!) - but others really do seem to be too introverted and it can be awkward speaking with some people. This is especially true in the Computer Science and Computer Engineering classes. These are the kids that people sometimes refer to as a "Case nerd".
Not entirely. We ENJOY studying; we are miserable for other reasons ;)
For the most part, yes. However, the school is doing a lot to improve the social atmosphere - of at least they say they are. The biggest drawback to Case is that there are in fact many opportunities in and outside of the classroom but the workload is so heavy that most students are not able to enjoy the out of the classroom experiences that should be a greater part of the college experience.
The stereotype holds true to a good percentage of students, but there are students who tries to break out of the mold by fitting a social life with all the academic demands made by the school.
For the most part, except for the kids who are from Ohio. They get in easier, so they're the ones who break the mold.
I am sure those apply to some people but not for everyone. There are all sorts of people that goto Case. I am sure you could spin it anyway you wanted to. I am sure you will find the people you like at Case unless you are really picky or have no idea what you are looking for in life.
A good number of Case students have no life outside the pages of their books which confirms the geeks and nerds stereotypes. Most of Case students do not come from snobby homes but there are a good number of good for nothing snobs who think that the whole world belongs to them because they so called deserve it
Yes they are, but nerdy on this campus is almost a term of affection. The ratio is correct, but the odds are not so good and not all the goods are odd.