Case Western Reserve University Top Questions

What are the academics like at Case Western Reserve University?


All of my professors know my name. Many of the liberal arts professors reach out to try to get to know their students. They organize individual meetings and are eager for students to share their ideas and opinions. Students are always studying. Intellectual conversations outside of class are common. A lot of the people are interested in hearing and discussing subjects outside of their majors. Students work hard and focus on themselves - they don't seem overly competitive with each other. They tend to be very helpful and commonly collaborate on projects and homework. There are always really great visiting lecturers and other intellectual activities to get involved in. I have spent time with a lot of my professors outside of class. Many of the philosophy professors have stopped by at philosophy club meetings. Other professors will stop and talk with students when they see each other around campus. The Cognitive Science department is awesome! All of the professors are eager for students to get involved in the most current research and express ideas and research proposals of their own! There are always really great visiting lecturers and involvement in the Cognitive Science Student Organization. The Philosophy department is awesome! The professors are brilliant. They are very friendly, involved, and encouraging towards their students.


Academics at Case are rigorous. I was an engineering student, and I made it through, but it was difficult. I didn't spend all my time in the library, but I have pulled my fair share of all-nighters. I've noticed that lots of students come into Case and are used to being the top students in their respective high schools. When they get here though and see that the other students at Case are just as smart, if not smarter than they are, it can be a difficult transition for them. I didn't like most of my classes. I didn't like my major. I chose my major because I didn't know what else to do and it seemed like a safe bet. It is easy to switch majors at Case, but I decided I wanted to stick it out since I new I would be going to law school and it didn't really matter what my undergrad degree was. The classes that I've liked the most, however, have been a result of the professors teaching them. I hated thermodynamics, but I loved the professor (Iwan Alexander) so the class was ok. I took a music class for fun (MUSC 230, Roots to Rock, like a history of rock-and-roll) and LOVED the course and LOVED the teacher (Mary Davis). I would definitely reccommend both that class and Professor Davis to anyone, no matter their major. To talk specifically about my department (Biomedical Engineering) I have seen a strong correlation between the students who work in a lab and how well they do in the classroom. I'm not sure if it's because they are able to apply what they learn, or they are just inherently smarter and are drawn to volunteering their time in a lab. I was involved in other activities and worked part time and was unable to find time to work in a lab (and I wouldn't have known who to ask), so that was kind of annoying to me. The department, overall, I would say is good though. The faculty and staff are friendly and helpful. I haven't had a chance to get to know that many professors very well, but the ones I've had I like, and they all make an effort to get to know their students and help however possible. One thing I feel that is strongly emphasized, both in this department and the school of engineering as a whole, is teaching classes that are structured around the points required for ABET accredidation. I understand why it's important to be accredited, but it seems to take away from the "learning for its own sake" aspect.


Most of my professors know my name. My best professor was Chris Butler (Calc 1,2). He knew many students names (in a class of ~250 students). He taught well and had a great sense of humor. Kids respected him even though the average grade was ~75 {4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}. Overall, there is not much competition. People study together and freely give help. The chemical engineering department is fun. The professors are mostly friendly. A lot of undergrads do research, which helps students relate to professors better. I've been happy with the professors. The students are great. It feels like we're all going through the tough stuff together. The education at Case seems geared toward getting a job. I like that. The co-op program is encouraged. The work load is heavy. However, it's possible to do well.


Since I am in nursing, the professors know who we are because we are with the same people for 4 years. Case is a lot of work, but it doable and worth it. The key to success at Case is time management. You can't wait to do something until the night before. Instead you must plan ahead and not only look at the current week, but also the weeks to come. If you ever do need help, there is plenty of people who are willing to help you: other classmates, past students that have taken the class, the professors.


I have been able to approach and meet individually with most of my professors. They always make time for the students and are not afraid to approach you first if they see that you need help. The accounting department especially at Case is a tight knit community. I have worked with a professor in a financial literacy initiative, have attended regional conferences and invited out to lunch to catch up and discuss future plans. The education is definitely focused on getting a job but also having the right experiences to be more than ready for a job.


All my professors know my name. Academically, Case is a great school. There are some really great Professors and the classes are very interesting.


Case professors are intimate and care about their students greatly. I've enjoyed most all of my History and Religious Studies classes (these are my majors). Students study ALL the time (often for tests which are weeks away), and class participation is common and EXPECTED. Regarding "intellectual conversations" outside of class, I'd have to say you need to find the right group of friends, and this is hard. Deep conversations don't often happen with the engineering students, which make up most of the student body - hang out with people more focused on learning for its own sake rather than students who are learning for a job. Students are MASSIVELY competitive, so expect almost everyone around you to strive for straight A's. Case's educational system, as stated above, is really focused on technical, mathematical, and scientific learning, so don't expect to find too many humanities majors.


My first semester here was dedicated to being pre-med, but Case changed my mind immediately. Speaking from one semester of experience, the science and math curriculums here are rigorous. I absolutely hated it because I had so much homework and studying to do. Since then, I've been taking more liberal arts courses, which carry a polar opposite work load.


They're pretty tough, but we learn a lot from some really smart professors, so it's OK


I love the academics at Case. That is what drew me here and what kept me here. The classes are the perfect size to get to know your fellow classmates and your professors. My two favorite classes over the past four years here were Physiology of Behavior and The Horror Film. Both of the professors were able to teach me with very little background in the two areas. The best part about Case is that almost every professor you have a class with will learn your name (whether you want them to or not). The other day I was walking to class and my film professor actually yelled out of his second floor window to stop me and say hello. Even when I don't have a question about a class I still go to my professors' offices to just talk. Students here also study all of the time. Oddly enough I really enjoy this. Often times I'll find myself in an intellectual conversation with my roommates, and this is actually a great way to study. While the classes may be demanding at time, the material is usually interesting enough that you won't mind studying in the evenings when you might normally be watching TV. The Case Career Center is also amazing at finding and helping people get jobs. When I found myself at a loss I went there and they helped me set up my resume and advise me on the best methods to find what I wanted.