Case Western Reserve University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Eating Alone at Fribley Commons. Eating alone in your dorm room. Not attending the football game. Spending friday evening in the Electronics Design Center. Getting mugged in the nearby ghettos whilst trying to buy alcohol. Having your car stolen. "Math Parties" and Starcraft.


Greek life is very important here. Case has lots of introvert engineers, and because of this most of the more social, friendly people join Greek life. Despite the fact that the head of the Greek life department is unfair and does not care about the students, many students find solace in their chapter.


The most popular student organizations around campus consist of the University Program Board, Orientation Leaders, and various ethnic groups. All students look to get involved in groups that contribute to the overall university and help improve the atmosphere around campus. Every wednesday night on campus consists of "spot night"; here various activities are held such as concerts, fundraisers, and other social functions.


Case has a lot of different student groups. The Undergraduate Student Government (USG) is a pretty big group on campus, especially since they work with the campus administration to help students. Greek Life is also pretty popular on campus. Around 1/3 of the campus is Greek so its never overwhelming for people who do not want to rush, but there is also a great community for those that do. I personally love the Greek Life at Case. I probably would not have joined at another school, but I found a sorority at Case that I am really proud to be a part of and have found some of my best friends in.


Case has a lot of different student groups. The Undergraduate Student Government (USG) is a pretty big group on campus, especially since they work with the campus administration to help students. Greek Life is also pretty popular on campus. Around 1/3 of the campus is Greek so its never overwhelming for people who do not want to rush, but there is also a great community for those that do. I personally love the Greek Life at Case. I probably would not have joined at another school, but I found a sorority at Case that I am really proud to be a part of and have found some of my best friends in.


Greek life is huge on our campus. 80{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the student leaders on campus are Greeks. What does that mean? Not all leaders are Greek, but if you want to have the best chance of having a terrific college experience and leaving the university better than when you entered, you should go Greek. Other popular organizations are Media Board, University Student Government (USG), University Programming Board (UPB), and the Residential Housing Association (RHA)


University Programing Board concerts and weekly events, United Student Government involvement and action plans, and Greek Life are major factors on campus off the top of my head. More than 150 groups exist depending on students' interests, but a major issue is that workload for some students prevents them from really becoming more involved.


There are over 100 student organizations on campus, including Greek Life. A third of the campus is involved in Greek Life. I personally am a part of the German Club here and Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity. I just joined Alpha Chi this fall, and I am loving it. Students on campus are also very friendly. Usually we leave our doors open in the dorms, welcoming anyone who wishes to stop by and say hi. This is partially how I met my closest friends. We all lived on the same floor freshman year, and so we would always go and hang out in each others' rooms. We became so close that we're still living together this year. There are plenty of things to do on weekends. You can go downtown with a bunch of friends and explore. Usually every weekend there is an Improv session, and you can go see that. You can also just stay in with friends and watch movies, play games, watch silly videos on YouTube, and do things like that.


Okay, I think this is where I should put this: As an incoming freshman...if you want to interact with people on your floor...pick a dorm in the MISTLETOE residential community. The names of the dorms are either Pierce (that was mine!), Storrs, or Hitchcock. Apart from 4th floor hitchcock that is all girls (there's a funny joke that people have. Can you figure it out? The TOP floor of the hitchCOCK dorms is only for girls? Anyways...), these three dorms are co-ed on each floor. In addition of having members of the opposite sex on the same floor, they also have a quad layout and have a common room on each floor. This has some pros and cons, but I'd be willing to say the pros outweigh the cons. On the plus side, it's WAY easier to meet people (and make very good friends) this way. Many people would simply hang out in the common room either reading, just messing around on the internet with their laptops or simply doing SOMETHING (I know at the beginning of the year we'd play cards a lot). Even if no one is out there...GO OUT THERE! It won't be long before someone else joins you, and then it'll get pretty full before you know it. It's really nice. The bad thing is that I found Mistletoe to be more "segregated" per floor. That is to say, I became close with my floor, but I knew few people on the floors above mine. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it's something to keep in mind. Every other freshman dorm has boys and girls on every other floor. So The 2nd floor might be all guys, 3rd floor all girls, 4th floor all guys, etc. They also don't have a common room on any floors except a big one on the 1st floor. So the difference is that if you live, say, on the 3rd floor and want to interact with people you're going to have to either simply walk into someone else's room or walk down to the lobby and hang out in that big common room. It's not like the people living in these dorms don't make friends (that would be ridiculous to say!) but I think Mistletoe dorms make it easier to interact with people. I'm very glad I made the choice to live in Pierce. Oh, and we're right next door to the cafeteria ;) As for dating: it's certainly possible if you want to, but it's more common to simply "hook up" at or after a party. But if you want to date, you shouldn't have trouble finding someone. All of my closest friends were from my freshman dorm, but I am also friends with some people in some of my other classes. I know people who've made friends at the library too. Just gotta meet people! And usually, you'll be better friends with people you're around often. So of course that sort of leads to the dorms... As for the party scene: it's there. There aren't parties EVERY weekend (no idea why but whatever) but they aren't rare. Most of them are simply "okay" and get the job done but aren't like in the movies...but every so often there will be a gigantic party with 15 kegs and whatnot. Pretty ridiculous and awesome. But don't come here for the parties. If you're that kind of person, Case will be miserable for you. But if you do like to party every so often, then I think you'll have fun. Of course, if you don't want to party at all then that's also fine. There are plenty of people here who don't drink, and you won't feel weird. Personally, I didn't drink much at all in high school but I tried it out and I find it fun. It's up to you. Greek life is relatively prominent at Case. If you want to go greek, you'll be able to pretty easily. And if not, that's perfectly fine too. I have 3 friends who are in fraternities and they like it. I personally wouldn't like to put in the time that they put in, but if you like it then that's cool. As a freshman, you're going to hear a lot of people talking about transferring near the end of the first semester. Most of them are just whining about all the workload. Yeah, it's tough...but the time you put in will pay off later. Yeah, I would probably having more fun at a state school (plane honest truth), but Case offers more than state schools when it doesn't come to parties. And it's not like I'm depressed here at Case: few people are. Yeah, it could be better, but I'm fine and satisfied as-is.


Case offers alot of student organizations that are geared towards academic, religion, race, sports, and other things that can be enjoyable. I am not sure how many students actually participate in what, but the idea of them being around is comforting. Most of the time especially during the week, students are studying in groups or independently so there isn't much time for goofying around. A real party occurs once or twice a month, but there are get together randomly amongst close friends. Weekends seems to drag at times, by the time your done with homework and papers the next week seems to creep up on you.