Catholic University of America Top Questions

What should every freshman at Catholic University of America know before they start?


I would have told myself to apply for as many scholarships as possible. I probably would have also told myself to learn how to manage time, money and learn awesome study habits earlier so that the transition will be easier in college.


Based on what I know now, if I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would make sure that my writing was in check. From my own experiences and the things my peers tell me, writing is an essetial in college. I would also prepare mysel f for all of the differnt types of people and getting used to living with them. Moving from a house to a dorm with a bunch of girls around your own age can be so much fun at times, but can also drive you to your limits at times as well. I would remind myself to never forget to stick to my studies and to always put school before any partying or going out. Most importantly, I would remind myself that above all is God and service to others. Always go above and beyond for others and doing service.


I would give myself the advice to work hard and learn to manage your time better. Make sure you know how to prioritize your work load with your social life. Also, make sure to keep track of your money becasue it does go by fast!


I would tell maria to work on her time management, that includes being able to make time to do good in school but also to create memories with her friends. Once you leave school, everyone goes their own way so I tell myself to make the most of every game, class, or activity and enjoy being a high school student, spend quality time with your friends and create unforgettable memories! I would tell myself that this won't last long so I should make the best of it and get more involved in school and get to know other people and have fun! you get too focused on getting those grades and get into college that you forget to enjoy the time you are in high school, so stop for a second and enjoy but keep working hard to reach your goals!


College is the time for change, and that does not necessarily mean bad change. Yes, it seems daunting, especially because you're going to be in a different state so very far away from college. But you're going to meet people who will change your life, they support you and understand you in ways you thought only your twin could. Make sure you understand what time management means, it's vitally essential to studio for architecture. Don't be afraid to break out of shell! You won't meet the people who are going to change your life by just expecting people to start talking to you. You need to be assertive and say hi to people. College is going to be the first time when you start to make decisions all by yourself, it's going to be easy to fun things and slack off from work, but it's also a time to learn things! College is not what you've romanticized about, but it's so much fun at the same time. It's a wonderful experience that is going to change your life, just be smart about things and you'll be just fine.


I would tell my self to make sure to be more open at trying new things. When you go of to college it is hard but the more open i am the more friends i will be able to make. Also i would tell my self to try and balance things better


If i were too have a conversation with myself in high school, i would tell myself, focus on school like you have been, but dont be afraid to have some relaxation. working your butt off is good, but being stressed is not, find time to have a little fun. take a dance class, or join a new soccer team, don't be worried about school all the time. College is a lot of work just like high shool so don't burn yourself out before you even get there. Also find out ways to learn about the professors you are going to have your first semester in college, having a good professor makes all the difference in weather you like learning about what they are teaching. Over all I would tell myself you are going to make it and you will be fine, but do a little more research into college to be the most prepared you can be.


Don’t let the idea of college overwhelm you; as long as you continue to put time and effort into your schoolwork, you will do well. That isn’t to say that it won’t be difficult, but you will succeed if you keep a positive mindset and stay focused on your goals. Time management skills will serve you well. Be sure to dedicate time in your schedule specifically to assignments and studying, and don’t procrastinate! College is quite expensive but there are resources available to you. Start applying for scholarships and grants right away, even if you don’t know where you will be applying yet. Above all, I urge you to make connections with your counselors and professors. Counselors are an invaluable resource for guidance, support and information on everything from planning course loads to writing resumes. Remember, it is their job to help! Meeting with professors outside of class helps establish relationships which will allow the opportunity for you to gain information about the syllabus or tap into their knowledge bank if you hope to continue studies in their field. These relationships will prove to be helpful when you need references for future employers or universities.


The sight of amazing fluorescent lights flashing from breathtaking hotels, and the sound of money dancing upon tourists’ fingertips all integrate into a place I call home, famously known as Las Vegas. Conversely, in this city where many see education as unimportant, I find myself holding steadfast to my dream of studying biology and becoming a pediatrician. What I learned in college was and still is beyond imaginable, and I have learned so much. Several events play a large role in shaping who I am today, and if I were to go back in time, I would tell myself how to manage my time, to study for my SAT/ACT, apply to more scholarships, and apply to various universities. First, I would tell myself to practice time management and understand there is a fine line between juggling school, work, and my social life. Second, I would force myself to study for the college entrance exams to hopefully get a higher score. Third, I would have made time to write well-thought out essays for scholarships. Lastly, I would tell myself to apply to multiple universities, including those of ivy-leagues and some that would've given me a full ride.


As a college student now, i would go back in time to let myself know as a high school student that thier are alot of scholarships of being a college student. knowing what i know now from transfering from a high school student to a college student has prepare me to be a better student. I wish I could go back in time as a senior to tell myslef that it takes alot of self motivation, disclpine, responsblilty as a student to be successful in college. because as a college student now i face alot of distractions such as partys, drinking , alcohol and sex. the main advice i would give myself if i had a chance to go back in the past as a senior would be to foucs on my goal of getting my education. and never let nobody stop you from accomplishing your goals that yuo have created and set. I also learn as a college student that many people who are for you to do good are the ones who are your enemies. My experience that i am going through now can help me have good advice to give to myself as a senior in the past.


Take advantage of all the learning and networking opportunities available to you in the city and on campus. Work hard, but play hard too --- make time to get out and explore everything there is to do wherever you are. Meet as many new and different people as possible. Get involved on and off campus to broaden your perspective, and most importantly : get out of studio once in a while!


As a high school senior, I would give myself this advice: ENJOY LIFE! I believe that students are so focused on getting into colleges and making sure that their resume's are perfect, that they're forgetting how important it is to enjoy themselves. Every once in awhile they need to enjoy living and learn to do what makes them happy. Stop being concerned with what others want you to do and follow your hopes and dreams. Now that I'm a Junior in college, I've realized how quickly time flies past. If we don't do what we love, then what's the point? It took time to realize that I can achieve great grades while still participating in things that I love, such as the dance team. Many people will tell you "You can't do it all"...well I believe you can. Which is exactly what I would tell myself as a high school senior.


If i could go back in time and give myself advise, I would tell myself to do the little things, like studying, to improve my grades even slightly. I believe that this would have helped me to get more money in the form of scholarships, whic would have eased the burden that I will have upon graduation.


I would research the schools I had applied to more and make a more informed decision about my college.


To compete in todays job market it is essential to get a college education. Regardless of financial difficulty, there are many ways to pay for college available to those who seek them out through their local college.Without a college education, a graduating senior only has low paying jobs to look forward too. Going to college is one of the smartest choises you can make make, and will impact the quality your life, as well as your future childrens. Each college has support programs such as tudoring, financial aid, counseling, daycare ect. available to help you suceed. There is no excuse keeping you from going to college, except your own desire to sabatoge your future.


Greetings and salutations, Kendra. Please suspend your disbelief of speaking to yourself from another point in time for a few moments and hear the advice I have to give. Community College is not very difficult, not nearly as hard as you are worried it is, and you will do great and suceed. Once you have graduated do not waste time in looking for another university. Take your plan and keep moving with it, because the inertia will keep you going. Do not be intimidated by your peers or teachers - - they are not out to fail you. Work hard and you will suceed. Enjoy your time in Community College and study hard - - but take all of Mrs. Walker's classes or you will regret it one day. Listen to the sage advice of Mary Schmich: "Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum."


If I could go back to talk to my old self before entering college, I would tell myself that keeping an open mind can go a long way. That I need to put myself out there and experience new things to really find who I am and the directions i need to take. College is about figuring out what you want to do with the rest of your life and being able to be happy while doing that. Keeping an open mind to different people, styles, and classes benefit not only you intake of knowledge but your communication skills, experience of many diverse situations and many different people. Along with keeping an open mind about college, I would tell myself that it is okay to be nervous but do not let it hold you back, you can succeeded and you will. There will be challenges but you will make it through them only to become a better, stronger person. I have learned alot since being in college and I am glad that i have had the opportunity to enjoy and grow with all of my endvours. It only makes me more excited for the future.


“I hope I remembered everything I need.” “My parents should’ve sent me to summer camp.” “I definitely didn’t pack everything I’ll need.” Those thoughts, and one hundred similar ones, raced through my mind the drive on my way to college. I reminisced on my last weeks of my senior year, which I had spent absorbing every last ounce of high school. While everyone else sat in the courtyard, enjoying the simplicity of a snow cone and laughing about the memories, I would intervene, “what if we never see eachother again!” “Life as we know it is ending!” I’ll admit; I was a little dramatic. But I'm a worrier and ended my senior year as such. If I could go back I would take myself by the shoulders, and shake some sense into me. I would tell my past self to take a breath and enjoy myself. You’re going to get to college and realize everyone is just as nervous as you. I promise you’ll make friends, maintain your grades, and have fun. I regret that I spent that time worrying. If I could do it again, I would’ve gotten a snow cone.


Please chooose a definite career direction and pursue it, such as medicine, law, engineering, business, teaching, etc. You have to have a career choice in mind before you start college, so that you will have set definitive goals to accomplish.


Do not procrastinate on any homework or projects. Study for your exams throughout the week.