Cedar Crest College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Cedar Crest College know before they start?


I would first start off by telling myself not to get lazy. All four years of high school came easy to me so I just expected college to be the same. The truth is that one must apply themselves because college is a step ahead of high school. I would also tell myselft to make sure I put time aside on the weekends to make sure all my work is done instead of waiting until sunday night to get all the work done. Having fun and hanging out with friends is great but it needs to be done in a way in which it will not interfere with school work. College is full of life lessons so pay attention and learn from all of your mistakes. Finally I would tell myself to moniter my money. Money does not grow on trees and once your bank account is empty then it is empty. It does not just magically refill itself. Having a chance to go back in time and give myself those words of advice would be an opportunity I could not refuse but in the end is too good to be true.


The advice I would give to myself if I could go back to my senior year of high school and talk to myself would be to just enjoy college and let go of the little things that annoy you. Always have a positive attitude because there are always people who are in more need than you are and it does help your grades and your personality develop. If you are having problems with your roommates get help immediately! There is always someone there to help you, so don't be afraid to ask for help. Your grades are more important than anything, but you do need to have some fun and relax and not stress all the time. Most of all, the advice I would give myself is to just be yourself and enjoy the time you have. Life passes too quickly and once it's gone, you can't get it back.


Dear Me, High School is over and you can't wait to go college, but here's some things they don't tell you when filling out those applications: First, welcome to a full-time job. Didn't see that coming. Time to roll-up your sleeves. Sure the difficulty is about the same, but there is much more work and higher expectations from professors. Secondly, FOCUS. Sure, go party, hang with friends, but remember you have to budget your time. Be ready for those all-nighters and the consequences of misjudging your time. Have chocolate on hand. It is time to step-up to the plate, be responsible and learn some discipline. Third, find the fitness center. You're going to stress-out, gain weight and start feeling lousy. Nip it in the butt! Exercise the body while exercising the mind. Forth, find a club or two. Join and make friends. They'll help you more than you'll ever realize. Lastly, it will not matter what you scored on a particular test or what classes you took when it is all said and done. What is important is the person you will become. Make the most of it.


I would have practiced using a planner more high school so that my time mangament skills were better in college. I would have studies harder to get higher scores on my test and therefore gained more scholarships for the school of my choice. Lastly, I would have learned to say no to my family and focused more on my school work instead of taking adult responsibilities when I was only a yougn girl...


Learn how to manage your time! your going to be involved in so many clubs/organizations, socities, volunteering, having fun with your uber great best friends, and of course your ginormous course work. But don't worry, you're a level-headed young lady with lots of support around you, and with a fierce determination I know you possess, you will get through it, inch by inch. If you need help, ask for it, there are many people available who do not mind helping you. And if you like her, go for her, take chances, never look back and regret. Good luck love!


I would put a lot of effort into teaching myself to study. College is fun and exciting but is also demanding. A lot more time and effort gets put into things like homework, projects and research just to keep your grades. Also, make a lot of friends and enjoy freshman year because from there on it gets tough. Be active in on campus events and programs because you meet a lot of people including professors. Make sure to try things you haven't done before. This is the time to find out what your good at so branch out. It's worth it to try. And even if it doesn't work, chances are you've met some great people.


Get yourself organized! No one is going to stand over your shoulder and make you do your work and it is all up to you!


Listen to your heart. If you don't think you'll be happy at a particular school, then don't go. If you are unhappy in a specific degree program, switch majors. The sky is the limit, and you need to do something that you will enjoy, because this is about enriching yourself and also about finding a potential career.


Don't try to have everything figured out all at once. Be willing to be flexable and go with the flow, it may lead you somewhere you never expected and end up being what you really wanted.


Really do your research and find a college that has the same values you do. Visit the campus. Most students know their perfect school when they set foot on the campus. Meet with professors and your admissions counselor. Choosing a college is a huge process...and it is important for you to be happy wherever you go. I graduated from CCC...and I now work in Admissions. I love this school. Give us a call...I would be glad to set up a visit for you!