My advice is that you visit and spend some time at the college. Spend a weekend. Talk to random students. Ask about financial aid!
I think that students should spend their time researching colleges that cater to their interests. If a student likes being in a large class, they should look for larger universities where classes tend to take place in lecture halls with about 200 students. If not, they should look for a smaller, maybe even a private college. If the student knows what they want to do, they should look for the best colleges in that field and apply to all of them, because I believe that financial aid is available to help those in need and that you cannot put a price on a good education. I believe that in order to make the most out of their college experience, they should spend their first two or three years living on campus and consuming themselves with college life. This is the time where they will meet the most people and cultivate their college experience. Also, it is often easier for a student to perform academically when they live on campus because research facilities are often a short distance away. Consuming yourself in the college atmosphere is what will enrich your "college experience."
Take tours and experience the college by spending the night and visiting some classes. You could also walk around the campus and try to imagine yourself studying or hanging out with friends. Decide if this is the campus where you want to spend four years making life-long friends. When you make this decision, and go to this college, the best tip I can give you is to get involved. You will enjoy the campus so much more if you are in organizations and study groups. Utalize the campus facilities. Most campuses provide a free fitness center and library. These are amazing resources. Live on campus, at least for one year. It's incredible how much more you will associate with your school if you live on campus. I plan on living on campus all four years of college. It is how I've met my closest friends. If you feel like joining a greek organization is right for you, I highly encourage it. It's one of the best decisions I've made. These organizations can provide a really great support system. Study hard and read your syllabus. Most teachers are not out to get you.
I enjoy simple answers -
Parents should let their children make the choice on their own.
Students should visit the school, hang out with current students, and go with their first instinct.
I think the most important aspect of finding a college to suit you is to look at everything that that college has to offer and also to look at the impact that school will have on your future after you graduate. Academics are the most important, especially if you plan to continue to a higher level degree program after undergraduate. However, I believe most colleges understand that many freshmen have no idea what they want to be "when they grow up." The good schools have activities to foster these students, so parents be sure to check that out. I've found, after attending both a private college and a public state funded university, that the cost of the private college is well worth it. The academics, facilities, programs, etc., they are of a much higher caliber at the private schools. Lastly, and most importantly, try your hardest. Don't get to the end of your senior year and wish you had just studied for this class or that class... push yourself to be the best you can be and I promise you won't regret it.
The best advice I can give to students is to choose a school that is feels right. You can tell right away if you'll like a place when you visit. Also, I highly advise a small, liberal arts school because you can search for your major and socialize well. Most of all, DO NOT TRY TO REPLACE YOUR FRIENDS. Make new ones and appreciate them for different reasons than you did your ones back home. Study hard, play hard, and you will come out on top.
The most important step towards finding the right college is to recognize what an important and personal decision it is. You'll be spending the next four years of your life at the institution you choose. Not your parents, not your teachers, not your friends. You're the one who has to live there, and you should make the dicision for yourself. Also, don't forget that college is more than an education! Make sure that you choose a place where you'll be happy in and outside of class.
When looking for the right college you should consider what is best for you and only you. Consider what type of environment you would benefit from the most. Figure out what size college you would like to attend, and also what size city and in what area of the country would be the best for you. Consider realistically how far away from home you would like to be. Pay attention to the types of extracuricular activities that the school has because it says a lot about the types of students that attend the school. Look at the area around the school to figure out what types of things students are involved in when they are not on campus. Also be sure that the school offers academic programs that you are interested in. Finally, visit the school to take a tour and possibly socialize with some of the students that attend the school. Do research, visit the schools, and go with your gut feeling about the school because it will usually turn out to be right.
Go with whatever college you feel at home with but also which will give you the best opportunities later on. Also get involved as much as possible on campus and meet as many people as you can. Another key element in succeeding in college is learn good time managemnet and don't let your grades slip by taking to many hours or partying to much. College is great so make the most of it.
Keep your options open! You must have an open mind, never know whats going to come your way. Good to try new things. Never thought I would be where I am now, but I love where God has lead me.