Central Baptist College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Central Baptist College know before they start?


I would tell myself not to worry and let God be God. He will lead you the way you need to go and make the path for you, even if youre looking at others and there situations. I would tell myself that people are not always what they seem.. Just to be true to yourself.


Hi David, First off I would like to tell you that you that I am in the same place you are right now. I am transfering for an undergraduate program. You may be wondering why. Well that's because I changed my major numerous times because I did not persist through tough situations and I fell into the discouragement that our family and friends led us in. I would first want to tell you to persist in all the things that you love to do. Don't change anything. Push yourself to become the best film director that you can be right now. Learn all the fundamentals from developing your creativity alongside learning the techinical side of film making. Don't be discouraged by the amount of times you fail; it is bound to happen. Instead, learn from your mistakes, get back on your feet, and find joy in taking risks and failing. Afterall when you experience failure, you end up learning a lot from the experience. So don't be afraid of failure David, it is the best learning experience I have had thus far. Be confident in your choices, and be confident in yourself. You are truly amazing.


I would give myself the advice of how important it is to stay on top of schoolwork assignments and how imoirtant it is to stay focused on the degree program so that you can finish your education on time. When I first started school I was not very focused on time management, this hurt my gpa and overall experience of school. Now that I am more focused, my grades are much better and I actually enjoy schoolwork and the experience of learning new material. Also, when I first startedcollege, I was an expert at procrastination. This is now diferent in that I see the value of being on time with my assignments. Not only does it allow me to turn in a higher quality of work, but also allows me to be less stressed. I try to say about a week ahead of my assignments. The student I am now is completely different from the student I was. I now enjoy school and am passionate about finishing my degree and then finding a job in the related field.


I think the first thing I would tell myself is that dreams really do come true. Growing up my family was very poor and still continue to be. As a young girl I remember telling my mom that I wanted to be a singer. Her response to me was, "Brandy, that is impossible to do and it costs far too much. Pick something else." For years it was installed in the back of my mind that no matter how good I was at singing I had no chance at getting a great education and possibly making music my career. Little did my mom know that I was going to overcome and pull through strong. By hard work and the grace of God I made it to Central Baptist College. Now that I am here as the first person in my family to go to college I see that anything is possible with God. If I were to give myself advice about making the transition I would simply be an encourager. I would tell myself to never give up because no matter which situation you come out of you always have the choice to rise above.


Before you go to college, take as many concurrent credit hours as possible. It will allow you to be out of school a lot sooner. College life is harder than high school. You go to school for a shorter amount of time and have more work in college. Make sure you study.


The advice I would give myself is not to rely on your parents to help you. I relied on my mom to help me and with her being a single parent and not going to college, I didn't really have help. I didn't really know what to do and she didn't either. I did not receive as much money as I should have because my FAFSA was filled out wrong. My mom had to come out of pocket to pay the money she didn't have so I can attend college out-of-state. Another piece of advice I would give myself is to study hard. Even though I had a 3.5 GPA, it lowered my freshman year of college. High school was so easy to me and I didn't really have to study but in college, it is totally different. There is so much information to retain and you can easily forget. If I could go back to being a senior, my freshman year of college would have been easier and I would not have to repeat any classes.


I have learned more in college than I ever did in high school. I have taken many different kinds of classes and learned a lot. I have also made life long friends and I have got the chance to do something a lot of people don't get to and that is play a college sport. I love this school and the people who work and attend there.


If it get possible for me to go back my high school time It will be a miracle for me.And It will be very fine time for me to get talk to myself as a senior school student.I will give all the time to strees in learning things by its core concepts..Because In my life uptill now I have lernt that Core Concept of what you are doing is the most essential thing to become educated. If it would happen agian I will be all time to study the base of all subjects and I will be one of the most knowledgeable person then..I always give importance to time but I didn't utilize that time for myself by not understanding the core concept of my subjects. So I will then prefer to study conceptually..


I would tell myself that its not as bad as I thought it would be and that their is no reason to be nervous because the school that God chose is perfect and I will thrive there. There will be professors there will challenge me to know what I believe and who will encourage me to do better. There will be friends that I make who will encourage me even when they didn't know I needed encouragement and always someone there to give a friendly hello. I would say to myself that I need to be more diligent and get papers done a few days before so I won't fill pressured. And lastly, I would say that look for people in school that are on-fire Christians and seeking to follow God.