I would tell 18 year old Whitney Souders to ...
"Whitney, you are going to face some very difficult classes and difficult subjects that you will have a hard time understanding. I really want you to know that you can totally do it. Please focus and do not give up. Also, friends are vital to college survival. You will not be abel to make it through hard times without them. Don't forget to stay in contact with your family, they miss you very much. Don't waste your money! That is something that you have always struggled with. Please try to be a better steward of your money. Remeber to keep your relationship with God the main priority. He is the only one who can get you through the next 4 years of your life. Cling to him, and not friends, boyfriends or anything else. Also, do what your dad said, and check the antifreeze, because at some point your jeep is going to overheat and it will cost $400 to fix it. Keep you chin up! You've got this!"
First, I would tell myself to not graduate early. As I was enrolling for classes next semester, I found that I can't take some classes because they aren't offered next semester. Also, I would tell myself to step-up in my focus for school. I wasn't ready for school when I came here; I was really immature. Another thing I would tell myself is to apply for A LOT of scholarships.; it gets hard to pay for school. Focus is another thing I would do. My focus wasn't exactly in the right mindset. I came to a Christian school, but my first semester I was still trying to figure myself out.
I would tell myself that Central Christian College of the Bible is the place to go, and that High School classes seem pretty pointless for the most part, but it helps to shape you into who you will become. I actually owe a lot to my High School teachers who taught me not only knowledge, but also maturity and growth. I would tell myself that I need to take my assignments more seriously but still not miss out on friendships and building relationships with people because that is how meaning full things occur between people. Share your life with others. Share Jesus with them. Life is short and Jesus is great! I would say that it is ok to look silly sometimes but there is a time and place for fun and goofing around, but still do not be serious all the time. In essence, I would tell myself to enjoy the blessings that God has given me and share with and bless others through God's grace and love!